Chapter 2

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Sierra was laying in her bed with the covers pulled over her head. Sierra's roommate Lonnie, pulled the sheets off of her. Sierra just frowned as she rolled over.

"Sierra come on if you're going to become Ben's 'Royal Advisor' you'll have to go with him to meet the Isle kids." Lonnie said as she put on her shoes. Sierra sat up of her bed and looked at Lonnie.

"I guess you're right." Sierra stated as she stood up and walked over to her closet.

"Ok great get dressed and I'm gonna go find Jane." Lonnie said with a smile.

Sierra was looking at herself in the full body floor length mirror not sure if her dress was ok to meet the new students coming to Auradon. She had a white gown with a red flower crown on her head.

"Sierra you look great, stop worrying so much

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"Sierra you look great, stop worrying so much." She told herself a little frustrated with who mush of a fuss she was making over nothing. But then there was a tap on her window. Sierra opened it and a small bluebird flew in and landed on her finger.

"Hello Flutter, what do you think? Is it to much." She asked her bird friend. Flutter just tilted his head to the side and responded with a small tweet.

"I know sorry, I just want to make sure they feel welcomed and I want to make a good first impression

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"I know sorry, I just want to make sure they feel welcomed and I want to make a good first impression." Sierra stated as she kept looking at herself in the mirror. Flutter flew to stand on top of the mirror and tweeted twice as if to say 'relax girl' Sierra took a deep breath and nodded her head.

"I know, I need to relax." Sierra said as she sat down on the bed. To be honest she was terrified meeting her mother's enemie, well daughter anyway. Flutter flew off his freinds floor length mirror and over to the night stand next to the bed. Then there was a knock on the door. Sierra got up to Answer it. She opened the door to see she bestfriend Ben

"Oh, hi Ben." Sierra said as she stepped aside for him to enter. Ben and Sierra looked at each other briefly.

"I came to see if you were ready to go. Audrey's waiting for us now." Ben said with a smile. Sierra looked at herself one more time before turning to Ben, brushing dust off her dress. Flutter tweeted goodbye flying out the window.

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