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The next day Merlin woke up. He got out of bed and got dressed n his favourite cothes, including his old red neckercheif. Today was a big day and he want to go well: he remember the dreams he's had last night about Arthurs return and how vivid they were, he knew today his magic had had to had worked and Arthur would be back to Normal. He wrapped up hi gift to Arthur in a sheet of fabric and lef tthe house, scruffing the cat on it's cute little cat head as he he left. He wandered what his cat got up to when he went out and imagined to himself happly as he waled along to street to Arthur's house. It was early so no people were out and the birds were singng.

Murlin straightened up his cloths as he stood on the outside of Arthur's house, peering in and prerparing himself. His hart felt light and jumpy, like a joyful deer bouncing through a summer meadow and he could not help the smily that escape his lips. He sneaked up to the red door- Pendragen red- he notived with a happy thought, the world seeming right at last, and knicked a happy tune on the solid red door. There was no answer. Merlin gave a small moue of a frown on his face. He knocked again. Still noone answered. His feelings jolted in fear... Worried something had happened to his recalcitant king he hammered loudly on the door, calling Arhtur's name as he banged. As he was gathering his magic up to break down the door there was nose from inside the house. Merlin silenced himself quietly . Slowly the door cracked open, and the ruffle haired bloond head poked around it, sleepy still.

"It's half four on a Sunday. What do you want?" snapped the tired man from his doorway.

"Arhtu!" shouted Merlin in relief and joy. His face a wide grin. Arthur sighed a long sigh.

"It's James." Said Arthur.

"Yes thats your mortal neme" reply Merlin still smiling. The pair looked at each otter. Seconds ticked by, as Merlin stood and stared at the man in adorment, happy to bask in the warm comforting glow he got from his company.

"What do you want Merlin?" asked James with a grump voice full of sleep. Merlin became shock out of his dreamy looking.

"Oh, yes! I came here to get you back. You need to see." Merlin said with an imploring voice and face.

"No, Merlin. I need to go back to bed." Replied James. Merlin did not look happy, he pulled his expression into a brief grimace and paused in thought before remusing his action, mind decided and resolved set like concrete.

"I didn't want it to come to this" Merlin said and he took the cloth off the bundle he had brought.

"Please...no..." Arthur said startled suddenly out of his sleepiness by fear of death.. Merlin got Excaliber the sword out and held it out to Arthur so he could see the writing on the blade and the lovely gold inlays.

Merlin was so struck by the reverence and tthe equinity of the ocassion. The golden light that fell Of Aurthur and on the sword was so bright and glittering merlin was struck by his feelings, and his breath caught in his throught and tears prickled at his eyes. Arthur's eyes were wide and Merlin throught this must be it! He reconggnises his sword. Arthur took a placidating step back into his hall.

"Take anything you wants" he said in a calm and slow manner holding up his hands in a calming gesture. Merlin cokced his head in confusment.

"I just want you to understand. You've made me do this, prat." He said stepping forward into Arthur's house and closing the door behind him. He wanted to give the other man privacy for this passive moment. Arther's eye darted to the closing door and he swallowed hard as the lock clicked in the heavy red wooden door.

"I'm sorry. Just don't hurt me please!" He said to the man, Merlin, with the sword in his house. Arthur pulled a phone out of his pajama pocket, about to call the police to help him, hand shaking slightly but trying to appear steady. As he swung the sword to and fro towards the king, he knocked the small black phone to the ground where it cracked apart. Merlin made a slight face of regret.

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