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The parking lot was parked with ambulances, fire trucks and police vans. Two medics turned Steve, noticing the blood dripping from y/n's leg.

"What happened? Is she okay?" A woman questioned him, the adult shook his head.

"She fell on her shoulder and broke something, and the thing, that creature grabbed her leg, it- it got her earlier and they helped her bandage it but-" he rambled watching as another stretcher came strolling their way.

"Alright alright," the brunette woman told him, as Steve passed y/n onto the stretcher. "We need you to calm down sir and explain what happened slowly," she asked before Will stood to help.

"Earlier the creature grabbed her and her friend which caused a lot of bleeding but we patched her up however inside the mall she broke her collar bone and the creature grabbed her leg again," he explained more clearly as the ginger woman nodded, she and the brunette woman began to stroll y/n across the parking lot to the back of an ambulance.

"Will, where's Billy?" Y/n questioned watching people scatter across the parking lot their friend being taken to different sections of the lot. Will gulped pointing behind her head, she turned her head and looked above her brow watching max sob as her brother was covered with a white sheet and pushed inside another ambulance.

"Hey, it's okay," he told her, taking her hand watching her face roughen and her eyes begin to well up. "Don't cry, he did a great job, he finally got out the source, you should be thankful y/n, you manage to get him out of the mind flayers power, just like you said, and he's a pure hero for sacrificing himself for everybody in that mall," he told the girl, he knew exactly what she was thinking about.

"But he didn't deserve it, he hadn't had a clue what the upside down was even about before the mind Flayer got him," she told him a tear stretching down her cheek as they got inside the ambulance back.

"And he's lucky he didn't die with the Mind Flayer inside him still, he died Billy, the superhero," he told her as the two nurses began to lift up the bottom of her Jeans.

"Stop you're making me think of Bob," she told him as he smiled down to her.

"And that's what I'm trying to prove, he's just like a superhero as Bob was," will said and y/n nodded.

"Alright babe, what's you're name?" The ginger woman asked, the brunette one began to mend her leg.

"Y/n," she replied, looking up at the woman who only smile, she tucked her ginger fluffy hair behind her ears and nodded.

"Okay y/n, my name is Donna and that woman there is Jamie, what we have is your collar bone has popped properly out of place to the point we need to snap it back in," y/n's eyes widened. "It'll only been for a second, it won't hurt as much." She reassured her, will gazed to the woman then back to y/n who only started to sit up a little more. "Can you keep her down for me while I do the job," she whispered into wills ear, he nodded.

"What did she tell you?" She asked, watching him move to the other side.

"Nothing, I want you to stay still so I can put it back in place," Donna told her, Jamie paused what she was doing seeing as y/n was beginning to kick her feet, she then held onto her ankles preventing her from getting up.

"No! Get off me! Get the hell off me!" She screamed as the veins in her temples and neck popped, closing her eyes.

"Y/n it's gonna be fine, it'll only be for a minute." Will reassured her, but she continued to scream.

"Get off me! Get the fuck o-" she began but screamed when she felt her collar bone move back into place, she screamed out in agony, the pain excruciating and something she had never felt before. Donna smiled down to the girl who looked at her evilly.

"All done!" She announced as y/n reached for her bone but Donna moved her hands away. "No, no, no, let's get it in a cast for it to be mended alright?" She questioned as y/n moved her arm away, Jaime had finished her part and went off to mend a little injuries for the others that were hurt, and not to long later Donna went too, allowing y/n to sit up and let the two teens sit at the bottom of the ambulance.

here's the chapter that decided to say bye this morning so I rewrote what I could remember. 

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