Chapter 5

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Today was the day Carla was coming home from hospital. She'd spent 3 days in the High Dependancy unit and although she was still weak and recovering, they were sure she'd be in safe hands as an out-patient as long as she has someone by her side which was of course Peter.

"Right, there we are." Peter mumbles, helping Carla her out of the car carefully.

As they begin their slow walk into Victoria Court, a voice interrupts them.


"Oh, hi." Carla replies, tiredly.

"How are you? You're looking well." Michelle smiles, kissing Carla on the cheek.

"I'm alright. Glad I'm out of hospital."

"I bet. Just wanted to see how you're doing, I've been so busy with this catering course and the bistro so wasn't sure if I'd get to see you."

"Yeah." She murmurs.

"Anyway...I'll let you get inside and rest. See you soon, love you." Michelle rubs her upper arm gently.

"Okay, love you too. Seeya."

"Bye Peter." Michelle says before heading over to the Bistro.

"Hey." Peter taps his lover. "What was all that about?"


" was like you were being off with Michelle."

"No I wasn't." Carla lies.

"Yeah you were. Why?" He asks.

"It's just...don't worry, it's silly." She shakes her head.

"No, come on. What's up?"

"I just don't like everyone walking on eggshells around me, as if they're scared to say anything in case I get offended or something. I hate people giving me pity...why can't they just treat me normally like you do?" She explains.

"Oh, love. You know they're only doing this because they care, right?" Peter sighs.

"Yeah and that's why it makes me feel bad. But with Chelle just now, the only thing she was speaking to me about was based off of my illness. She'd usually have a joke, playfully nudge me but instead she treated me like glass, like I was about to break."

"I know but I guess no one knows how to be around you-..."

"You do." She interrupts.

"Well that's just how great I am." He jokes. "But seriously...if it's getting you down then we can just leave off seeing people for now, just you and me. How's that sound?"

"Amazing." She smiles.

"Hows about we go inside? We've been stood here outside for a while now." He chuckles.

"Can I get you something to eat or drink?" Peter questions as they get into their apartment. "Here let me help."

Peter helps Carla take her jacket off, putting it over a chair, he leads her over to the sofa. As she sits down, she hisses in discomfort.

"Ooo, you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." She releases a deep breath, placing her legs into the sofa and holding her abdomen.

"I hate seeing you in so much pain."

"Good for you." She sighs. "Sorry."

"Don't be." He kisses her on the forehead.

"Yes, by the way."


"Go on, make me a strong coffee."

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