The Fires

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Far beyond the hills
I saw the fires blazing,
blazing up to the stars
in the wake of night.

The night was still
as I stood aquiver
following the golden light
of those enormous fires.

I wandered senselessly
throught the cold of the night,
the dark woods,
the rocky hills.

I found the fires,
burning tall and bright;
merry company around them,
singing and dancing.

There was plenty of food
and plenty of drink,
there was an inebriating smell
floating through the air
just as the music did.

I laid my eyes upon her then,
a fair woman, her eyes dark as night,
dancing around the fire
as if her soul was ablaze.

Her hair fell on her shoulder in big curls,
just barely held by wooden ornament,
her gaze intoxiating,
beckoning to watch her in amazement.

I must have stayed all night,
because I awoke amongst the hills,
left with the memory
of her dainty feet treading the soil.

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