The New Reign

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A/N: btw Issei doesn't exist in this fic

I wake up on a soft, cushioned surface. I open my eyes and realize I'm on the couch "You know, neither of us are getting good vibes from you either." Irina says to me no longer smiling. 

"Let me sleep." I say. "That's too bad cause you've been out for 2 days, and me and Xenovia have been taking care of you." She says. 

"Thank you, but what did you mean by bad vibes?" I ask my, hands trembling. I look at her in the eye and she says "You have power beyond imagine. Not enough to match god, but almost, if you wanted to you could probably overthrow hell." 

"Hold the diddly fuck up. You're obviously on something, LSD, cocaine, meth?" I ask harshly.

"Well believe what you want to believe, but we have school in 45 minutes. Oh and also, this appeared when you were out." She says as she hands me a small needle that is somehow extremely heavy. "What is this!?" I ask while panicking. 

"It's a legendary weapon of the monkey king, Ryu Jingu. It belongs to you, just say 'Yeoui expand" and it will turn into a staff the size of a small country." She says without much trouble. "Nope Nope nope. Fuck this, I'm going to school, where's my uniform?" I ask with intensity.

She sighs and points to the kitchen table, when I walk over she says something, but I don't listen. I quickly put on my uniform in the bathroom and when I get out, the two insane roommates of mine are gone. I grab my bag and put on my NMD R1s, my watch, and phone, when I head out I se my Audi A7 parked in the valet. Must've been imported while I was out, I get in and drive down the street, I'm not very good at reading Japanese, so I don't know exactly what the signs are saying. When I realize Kuoh academy, the mostly girls school is a mile/1.4km away I begin to get butterflies, after all, women scare me. 

I park my car and put my headphones on as I walk through the courtyard and suddenly feel a headache come on, it's odd, ever since I've been in Japan I've had a problem with headaches. Wait, Irina said devils exist and that's what caused...


Devils don't exist, there is only one. Satan, the most evil figure to ever exist in history. It's odd, whenever I hear or say Satan, it makes me scared and angry. Holy shit, an image just flashed through my head, of a Devil like figure.

 Holy shit, an image just flashed through my head, of a Devil like figure

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I've been playing too much DMC, DOOM, and Resident Evil. Either that, or Irina was right, and i highly doubt that devils exist, there's only one.

"Are you okay?" I look up and see a a blond girl. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern but it is not needed." I look her in the eyes and hers go wide, like she just saw well, the Devil. Now that I think of it, this girl is giving me bad vibes. Maybe I'm on Jet-Lag but I feel so very...


"I-i-i have to go..." she immediately ran away from me and called a name, I think she was yelling for someone named "Rias".

The Devil In I(DxD x God of High School)Where stories live. Discover now