Keith the Manager

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Ashley was still dancing with the balding middle aged man.

“How am I gonna get rid of this guy. He seems persistent.” Ashley said to herself when she realized that dancing with him is better than sitting alone at the table.

Ashley out of the side of her eye saw Tina leaving with Larry the gym man. “It looks like Tina got her man” Ashley thought.

As the man she was with continued to work hard dancing in what appeared to be an attempt to win her over with his skills (or lack thereof) Ashley caught a quick glance and saw that Professor boring voice hooking up with the travel agent’s friend.

A slow song game on and Ashley’s partner eased in to try to continue their dancing when Ashley realized that she was not going to have any more fun tonight, and she wasn’t going to settle for the guy that was dancing with her.

“Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom, thanks for the dance…” Ashley said while she rushed off. She felt guilty lying, but only for a moment. She was not going to do anything with that guy and she didn’t really want to make him think he had much of a chance.

Ashley rushed out and into the bathroom. She looked at her makeup in the mirror and did a little touch up in an attempt to waste some more time in hopes of missing the guy that was dancing with her the whole night.

Tina walked into the bathroom. “Hey girl, what you doing in here?” Tina said.

“I really can’t wait for this to be over. The bride and groom are gone and I am supposed to meet the manager so I can close this thing out…”

“Laura got you doing that?” Tina said.

“Yes, but really I am in here just hiding out…”

Tina laughed. “Hiding out, Come on girl, I thought you liked that look.” Tina joked.

“What you mean that fat bald look?” Ashley said.

Tina looked in the mirror and started working on her makeup.

“So I see you getting mighty cosy with Mr. Gym owner.” Ashley said.

“Turns out that guy likes chocolate and I am always up for trying some vanilla. Maybe we can make a swirl.” Tina laughed.

“Well at least one of us got a prospect.” Ashley said. “Well make that Two of us, didn’t you see the professor moving in on the travel agent’s friend?” Ashley said.

Tina laughed.

“I don’t know if I could stay awake when he is talking.” Ashley continued..

“Well, if he were with me, I don’t think we would be doing much talking.” Tina said with a wink.

Ashley smiled as Tina finished up.

“See you at the office on Monday.” Tina said as she walked out the door.

Ashley walked out the door and saw her dance partner kind of waiting around.

She tried to walk by while giving a slight wave. “Bye…” she said.

“Hold on…I just want to ask you…” The man said.

Ashley looked up in resignation. Tina walked by her snickering. “Sorry girl.” She said.

Ashley joked, “I’m going to hurt you on Monday.”

Tina then walked up to Larry who took her by the arm out of the building.

For a short moment. Ashley thought about possibly going out with him. Her mind quickly thought about the boring fat kids she might have and she shook her head out of it as if in a trance.

She walked over to the man grudgingly as if she were stepping on nails.

“You know you have some nice steps…on the dance floor.”

“Uh huh…”

“I really think…well maybe…”

“Spit it out. You are gonna ask me out and I am going to say no. You know the drill.” Ashley said in her mind.

“I mean you are such a great dancer.” The man said.

“You said that” Ashley said.

“Ashley…Ashley, come on baby. I know you saved a dance for me.” A baritone voice came from behind her.

She turned around and there stood a 6 foot 5 well built African American man. He was very attractive and Ashley had to take a breath.

“Um…Yes…” Ashley answered. She was wondering who this guy was, why she hadn’t seem him all night, and how does she know who she is. But he called her baby so she played along.

“There you are babe, I was wondering when you would get here.” She hugged the man. He gave her a strong but gentle squeeze.

“Um…Excuse me…” The fat balding guy said.

Ashley looked at the Ashley had turned her back totally on him. Not wanting to be rude she turned back to the guy and simply said. “Oh, I’m sorry, but my man is here now.”

The guy left.

The black guy and Ashley both laughed.

“Thanks for doing that for me.” Ashley said

They began to dance to the music as Ashley tried to ease into the man’s arms.

“So why haven’t I seen you all night?” Ashley asked.

“Well, I’m the manager of the hotel and I saw you and I had to meet you.” The man said in his baritone.

“How did you know my name?”

“A Laura Beach told me to meet with you. You have a final check for us and you will give me the keys.”

Ashley remembered how much she loved Laura at that point.

Ashley stopped dancing and began walking over to the table and said, “Let me get the keys.”

The man grabbed her and pulled her back towards him and said, “That can wait…”

“It can wait? Until when?” Ashley asked.

He ignored the question and began dancing with her again.

“Are you going to at least tell me your name?” Ashley asked.

He whispered in her ear, “Keith…”

They continued to dance.

After a few moments Ashley asked.

“So can’t you get fired for being in here dancing with the customers at your job?” Ashley asked.

“Well, this probably ain’t the time or the place, but Laura told me that you guys were looking to add some people in Human Resources.” Keithe said in his melodious baritone.

“YOU ARE HIRED!!!!” Ashley yelled in her head as she thought about working with this super fine brother.

She pulled herself together and said, “Let’s see what we can do about that…”

Ashley's Turn (The Office Surprise an Interracial Romance Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now