10 - Dynamic Duo

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Sometimes, you just had to jump without opening your eyes, even when the anxiety of not knowing the outcome terrified you to the core. Because even with all the careful planning, you could not always predict the future. The irony was not lost on somebody like me, but that was how the world was painted, in glowing truths. 

"I'm not really sure this is a good idea." New York's horizon stretched out before me, miles and miles of skyscrapers. "Actually, I'm positive this is a horrible idea."

T.A.D.A.S.H.I. hummed in my ear, her voice so familiar now. "There is only a seventy-two percent chance this fails, Miss Florence. So, actually, the odds are mostly in your favour. That is quite encouraging. "

Doubt swelled in the pit of my stomach. "That doesn't sound very encouraging to me."

"Never listen to the odds," Peter came into view, his matching metallic suit coated his limbs. His eyes watched the dropping sun and he listened to the sounds on the wind, waiting for the call for action. He waited for his Spidey-sense to kick in and that was when we would move. "Trust me."

"I do," I told him sternly, my fist curling and uncurling in my suit. "But I'm still not very sure about this. Matthew would most definitely say this a horrible idea. I'm nowhere ready to actually be doing this—"

Peter ducked away from the wind to face me. His hands wrapped around my wrists, holding my anxiety in his palms. "Firstly, Mr. Murdock believes in you and yeah, he doesn't know we're about to tackle our first afternoon together, and yeah, maybe he'll be really mad when he finds out...but he knows you're ready. I know you're ready."

"But I don't know if I'm ready for this."

Wind tussled Peter's hair, making him look younger and adorable. "Does anybody ever really know? Come on, you're the bravest person I know. Where's my fierce lab partner? I need her right now."

"She decided to say home today," I said with a tiny pout. "She's under her blankets where it's safe and nobody can hurt her. Nobody real, anyway."

Peter paused for a second, his eyes glazing over and his head cocked to the side ever so slightly. I knew without a doubt the hairs on his arms were sticking up and his little odd ability was kicking in like it always did. After a second, he was glancing back to me with a smile on his lips. I was already backing away, getting far away from his embrace and the danger that could be lurking in the streets below.

"Go without me," I told him. "I can't do this."

Peter reached for my hand again. "Yes, you can."

"No," I gritted my teeth. "I can not."

Sirens howled on the wind, our chance slipping away. "How many times have you jumped into danger without thinking twice about it? How many times did you recklessly find yourself in trouble since freshmen year? Green Goblin, Vulture, New Goblin...you've tackled much bigger villains than a couple of thugs trying to rob a bank. You, Florence Parsons, can do anything you set your mind to. You've got this." 

Peter's words were laced with truth and love and apparently, that was the only thing I needed to hear today to jump. Peter Parker's faith me in. 

"Okay," I found myself nodding. "Okay. Let's go."

Peter kissed my temple quickly. "Kind of like a dynamic duo, yeah?"

I pushed against his chest lightly. "God, shut up and jump, Spider-Man."


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