08. First Date

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Seeley Booth:

Seeley loved to rock out to his favorite music groups and so did you. You'd asked him to stay for dinner at your home, as an official date, and in celebration that both your leg and his abdomen had fully healed. Together, you made pasta to go with the wine he'd brought along. After some drinks, you were both warm and buzzed, but not ideally drunk, and had turned up the music enough to fill the flat. Though, with the alcohol, it felt like the room and your bones equally vibrated. The bands flew from Foreigner to Queen, to Led Zeppelin, and each song playing grew louder in tone especially after you and Seeley began to sing along with too much enthusiasm. The ruckus of your date seeped through the walls of your apartment building and it sent your neighbors to your door. You went to open up to a group of antagonized people with Seeley right behind you and he pulled out his badge. "We're FBI, I'm going to need you all to step away from the door." After closing it, you said, "I don't think that's how it works, Seeley," but went right on with your karaoke night with him anyway.


Jack Hodgins:

Jack had wanted to one-up the movie date you'd had with that other man. What better way than to go to a drive-in theater? But a thunderstorm had washed that plan down the drain. Instead, he took you for a walk in the dead of the night, while the moon was full and stars were out. After a while, you sat on a bench, and encouraged yourself to lean into his shoulder for warmth. Looking up at the bright twinkles in the sky, you swapped random stories. That lead to more talk, laughter and new ideas to try out together for another time. Alas, it was late and time to go home but, along the path to his car, he caught sight of an abandoned shopping cart. If the date had been terrible, neither of you would have suggested to hijack it just for a couple of minutes. Wanting to stay in one another's presence for a little longer, Jack helped you into the cart and began to push you around until you were comfortable gliding across the pavement. It was childish but you were having fun. A "couple of minutes" turned into another half hour as he pushed and got on just to enjoy the ride along the park pathway with you.


Lance Sweets:

You were ecstatic. And nervous as well as perplexed. Your psychologist had asked your permission to take you somewhere fun; the same psychologist you'd been tripping over for the past months. And it wasn't as if you two hadn't met up before, so it shouldn't be wrong and you shouldn't be this antsy. Why had your heart fluttered so fast when he'd asked? You weren't expecting him to take you to a concert. Still, you were excited during the drive and talked about what you were going to do first. You got to see one another let loose and enjoy yourselves, buying souvenirs and eating a lot of food. At the end of the day, both of you were too tired to drive back to D.C. so you rented out a cheap hotel room. There was only one small bed but Lance respected that it was only your first date with each other and he respected you. He crashed on the floor but, in the middle of the night, you saw how uncomfortable he looked so you invited him up, telling the drowsy man that it was okay.


James Aubrey:

He'd finally done it; mustered the courage to ask you on a date, but he didn't call it a "date". James was taking Christine to the zoo and had asked you to come along. His excuse was that mini-Booth wanted to see you again; she was a precious cinnamon roll. How could you say no? With some pep in his step, James picked you up that day. You both spoiled Christine that morning and everyone around you deemed you all to be "family goals". Neither denied that she was your kid because the food court gave couples with children free cookies, most of which had been inhaled by your partner. You'd had fun and thanked him for the good day. He let it slip that he wouldn't mind for another date. "This was a date?" You'd asked with a raised brow, cheeks warming pleasantly. James couldn't hide his frozen look so he cautiously proceeded with, "Would you like it to have been?" After you laughed, he asked, "Would you like to go on another 'not date' with me?" He was a silly man and of course you liked him, so you said yes to this second 'not date'.


Zack Addy:

Zack asked you twice. The first time you hadn't understood because his words were strung together and you couldn't make out any of it. The second time, you were red in the face and had agreed; you hadn't thought that Zack had had it in him to even mention a date. He hadn't specified what you would be doing but asked if you could meet him in front of the Jeffersonian after work. You arrived a little early and ran into Hodgins, who was pushing a cart full of bicycles for whatever reason. He noticed you right away, saying that Zack had no idea what he was doing because the current case had taken up all his time. You were fine with it and improvised, asking if you could borrow a couple of bikes. When Zack came out to meet you, he looked almost hesitant and a little mortified. You asked what was wrong and he told you that he didn't know how to ride a bike. After a moment of looking at his embarrassed face, you took his hand and told him that you were an excellent teacher. You both collected your own skinned knees and elbows that day but still had fun.


Wendell Bray:

Wendell took you to a regular ice rink because it was about time you used that rain-check, only it would be just the two of you sharing one another's company. Oh, how greedy you both were when it came to each other. You were a little wary of getting onto the ice when you first got there and instead decided to walk around on your skates, telling him that you were "still trying to get comfortable in them". He had laughed and teased you for stalling because you were only scared, which got him a glare in return, but then he started to coax you out and told you he'd be right by your side the entire way. You bit your bottom lip and didn't complain as he gently pulled you out by your fingers. When your legs wobbled, Wendell held onto your hands and squeezed them to reassure you that you were doing great. Soon enough, you were both in the middle of the rink but you tripped and fell into his chest. Laughing, he spent the day teaching you and you were glad that you'd agreed to do this.


Vincent Nigel-Murray:

You'd been the one to hint at the idea of going out after work and Vincent had happily obliged. It had started with you taking a picture of him when he wasn't paying attention. Vincent had been going on about how the camera loved him and you wanted to prove that bad pictures were a part of life. You were wrong; the Brit was photogenic. You took a few more and he felt that he had to return the favor. Vincent chased you around downtown, both of you snapping pictures along the way. When you got tired of running, you claimed a spot for yourselves in a park and ran a photo shoot; you took photos of nothing and everything, making faces and posing for each other. It went on from the late afternoon to evening but, at the end, you didn't want to look at the snaps of your face because you felt embarrassed. Vincent sat you down on a bench, took a hold of the device and went through the camera roll. He leaned in close as he went through the pictures and told you how wonderful you looked in each and every one.

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