How could you?

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**Flashback; May 5, 2015**

Georgia let out a loud squeal as her best friend Ellie picked her up from behind and spun her around with the sound of her own delight ringing through Georgia's ears.

"WE FUCKING MADE IT STANWAY!! We're actually going to be professional footballers!" Ellie yelled in her ear as she was set down. Georgia playfully slapped her arm before engulfing the blonde in another hug, this time with both their sets of parents and Georgia's brother John-Paul joining in on the action.

The two close families held proud smiles on their faces as they ushered the two girls towards the car park of the CFA, the girls would be returning tomorrow to sign their first professional deals.

The car trip back to Georgia's house was quick. The girls barely had time to step out of her jeep before her grandma came speeding out of the house to embrace them both, not having a chance to earlier since she volunteered to head home right after to start dinner. The three shared terms of endearment as they made their way inside to great everyone else. Dinner passed in no time with the JP poking fun at the two girls, their mums crying with joy, and their fathers trying to calm their wives while holding in chuckles.

Since it was their big day, the two girls decided to take a walk on the beach to watch the sunset while everyone cleaned up. Ellie made the decision months ago to tell her best friend she had been in love with her since they met at the U15 National Camp, so she was glad for the privacy. Ellie watched Georgia from the corner of her eye as the brunette took in the scenic views of Manchester. Ellie would never get tired of her beauty. She was jolted from her thoughts when Georgia poked her gently in the side to gather her attention.

"Ellie, I need to tell you something..." Georgia started, staring at her feet while tears formed in her eyes. She two had been holding in a secret and now was her last chance to tell her favourite blonde. Ellie almost got her hopes up, but they were long gone when she saw the tears in Georgia's eyes. "I know we agreed to sign for Man City together....but I've been offered a soccer scholarship in America." Ellie sucked in a breath as the next set of dreaded words left her mouth.

"And I accepted."

Ellie started to form tears of her own. She shook her head slowly, with wide eyes, as she continued to step back with disbelief. "You...w-what?" Ellie stuttered. "You promised..." Ellie raised her eyes to Georgia, tears now steadily streaming down her face. "How could you?!?"

And with those last words, she took off running back to the house, leaving Georgia alone on the small beach with her own tears, crying out for her best friend to come back. She never did.


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