Chapter 1 - The Big News

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*A/N: For those of you who don't know, this is actually a sequel to my first Jordan Witzigreuter fanfiction called 'A Little More Love'. You don't have to read that to understand this, but if you want to know what happens before all this you should read that. Anyway, enjoy*

"Oh my god this is so dumb," I laughed. "But that's why it's my favorite." Jordan and I were laying on my bed watching a movie, while Jodan was on his phone, scrolling through his twitter mentions and replying to tweets from fans. In the past few months the boys had managed to record a full EP, put the EP on iTunes and grow a small but passionate fan base. I couldn't be more proud of the boys. I knew this was something they all loved to do and they were all like family to me, and nothing made me happier than seeing them succeed; but right now it seemed like Jordan was more focused on his phone than he was on me. 

"So, how's twitter?" I asked, turning my body to face him, begging him to divert his gaze from the phone to me. I wasn't necessarily trying to be clingy, it was just that the boys had been so busy with the band lately that I hadn't gotten to spend any alone time with Jordan. 

He shifted his eyes to meet mine and smiled, "It's good. We've got a lot of people saying they like our EP."

He turned back to his phone and I pouted. "Any other riveting news?" I asked. 

Jordan set the phone down, "I'm sorry," he looked at me again. "I shouldn't be on this, I'm supposed to be spending time with you." 

"No, it's fine," I lied, trying not to come off as needy. 

He shook his head, his hair moving in and out of his eyes, "No it's not. Will you forgive me?" A smirk spread across his face as he moved his face closer to mine. 

I giggled, "Maybe." Jordan leaned forward and kissed me. He softly bit my lower lip and I let out a tiny, almost inaudible moan. 

"Is that a yes?" he teased.

"I guess," I kissed him again, glad to finally be alone with him. 

Jordan pressed his forehead to mine, "You are so beautiful," he said lowly. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered. 

Our lips had barely met again when I heard the door to my bedroom fly open. "Jordan come downstairs we - oh god!" Travis, my brother threw his hands over his eyes. "I hate to interrupt this lovely, er moment of uh - love or whatever," he gagged. "But Jordan we need to talk it's really important." 

Jordan looked from me to Travis then back at me, "Like how important?"

"Important enough for you to stop sucking my sister's face I promise." I rolled my eyes at another one of Travis' attempts to make me and Jordan feel uncomfortable. He did that a lot, but only as a joke. It didn't bother me much though, since it took forever for him to even approve of me and Jordan dating. 

Jordan gave me a look as if ask my permission to leave. "Well, go see what it is?" I urged. 

"You're coming with me," he took my hand and pulled me along as we rushed downstairs after Travis. 

When we reached the kicthen we were met with Travis, as well as Deryck and Mike the other members of the band, sitting around the kitchen table. "This all feels very buisness like," I chuckled, sliding into the seat between Travis and Jordan. 

"That's because it's important," Travis explained. 

"Well are you going to tell us what's so important?" Mike laughed, raising his eyebrows. 

"Calm down, I'm getting to that," Travis shushed him. We all watched as Travis, who was seated at the head of the table, rose from his seat. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, trying to sound very professional. "As you all know, a few months ago The Ready Set recorded and released their first EP and were able to gain a small following. Up until now we've only played some small local shows but they've been well attended" 

"Where is this going?" I asked, hopelessly trying to follow everything he was saying. 

He pointed a finger at me, "Patience. Now as I was saying, our smaller shows have been well attended and have managed to catch the attention of a record label," he paused giving us all time to gasp. "As well as a little band called I See Stars."

"Oh my god," Deryck's jaw feel open. 

"I'm not even done yet," Travis grinned and we all stared in disblief, unaware of how this news could possibly get any better. "I See Stars wants to take on a tour." My jaw practically hit the floor, and I felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my head. The guys were going on tour? 

"We're going on tour?" Jordan said, his voice filled with excitement. 

"A small tour, but yes, a tour," Travis confirmed. 

"Well give us the rest of the details!" Mike said, practically jumped out of his seat. 

Travis sat down again, leaning across the table, "They want to take us on a 3 month East Coast tour as the opening act, if we sign the contracts we'd be leaving in a month." 

"Well you're gonna do it right?" I said excitedly. 

"No shit we're gonna do it," Travis cheered. 

Jordan stood up slowly, "We're going on tour!" he shouted. 

The kitchen quickly filled with the sounds of our shouts and cheering. The boys began to chant "TRS tour, TRS tour" and somehow in the midst of it all we made our way into Deryck's car and ended up at some hole in the wall diner to celebrate. I apologized to the waitress for their rowdiness as she led us to a table in the back of the restaurant. They boys settled down enough to place an order but they were still beaming even after the waitress left. 

"We're going on tour," Jordan turned to me, grinning like a child. 

I squeezed his hand, "I know babe," I giggled. 

"People all over the East Coast are gonna hear our songs," he cheered. 

I couldn't help but grin myself, the excitement of the boys was too contagious. I couldn't wait for Jordan to get to share his lovely voice with the world; that was until I realized something. If the boys went on this tour, I wouldn't see Jordan for 3 whole months. 

*A/N: So the sequel has finally started! I'm going to try to upload once a week, maybe more if I can write a lot. I hope you guys like this story. Comments and votes are appreciated. I love you all :) * 

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