Bound by blood not by heart

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God so help me that I don't become like you.

They say "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree," but I pray to God that this one does.

If you are the apple, then can I be the orange?

That way no one can say we are related.

Yes, I'm denying you as my family.

I wish you were my friend instead ,so that it could be easier for me to walk away,

But you are not, that is why I can't cancel you from my heart.

I cannot forget you because we share the same blood.

Your pain is my pain, your sorrow is my sorrow.

Dear son, dear daughter,dear brother,dear sister, what have you done to my name?

Why do you keep on dragging it in the mud?

You have made me a laughing stock, because of you I'm a mockery, a joke to my people .

But I guess that's the price I have to pay for believing in you, for being hopeful of you, and for trusting you countless of times.

You have become a thorn in my flesh, I wake up only to curse life.

Ever this day, I'm still in denial of the pain you have caused me, all because I cannot accept that my own flesh and blood could cause me this much pain.

We are divided, not united.

Because of you , I feel the need to sleep with a knife under my pillow.

You are not my friend, but my enemy.

You don't wish me well, but wish me harm.

I'll pray for your well - being, whilst you pray for my downfall.

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