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She was like the moon,

Part of her was always hidden.

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When I was younger, I probably smelled distinctly like the wolf that roamed inside of me, but I've since learned to hide it. I haven't smelled like anything other then human for a long time. Until now.

I wreaked of the wolf whose blood was drenched through my shirt. I stumbled into the bar, only to be quickly ushered out by a man with inhuman strength. I fought to enter but he wouldn't let me pass. There were other creatures in there, and I was covered in blood. Whose? I had no idea, but the man smelled it to be a wolfs.

He told me to leave quickly and quietly before the men inside decided to rip my head off. They were wolves. I should leave. He told me not to be near wolves, not him, but him. Master. The man went back into the bar and after a few moments I followed. When I entered he turned back to me, glaring, I knew I should be scared, I knew I shouldn't be there, but I couldn't bring myself to leave. I walked to the bar and much to my surprise the man went behind the bar and began catching up on the drink orders he'd missed while he'd been speaking with me outside, I guessed he was the bartender. I sat on a bar stool, unspeaking, and quiet, daring someone to touch me. The bartender watched me wearily throughout the night, but didn't try to make me leave again. He had warned me of what was to come, and that was more then many had done for me before.

I decided I liked him right then and there, so I stayed. It wasn't as if I was scared of or even cared about what would happen to me. In fact I wanted someone to attack me. I wanted my head ripped off. I wanted to see if anyone would even be able to. At least then I wouldn't have to think. I wouldn't have to remember. I sat there for hours before I felt a presence in front of me.

"Hungry?" He asked, looked at me softly. I knew the look all too well, he saw me as weak. Broken. Hurt. Something to be gentile with. I was unaware or how small I was. I was Tiny for my age, and I was wearing clothes that made me look even smaller. My figure was slim, and with no semblance of muscle on my bones. I knew I looked weak. But I wasn't. And he thought I was.

I rolled my eyes , of course he did. I slowly slid off the bar stool and made my way toward the door, not wanting his eyes on me anymore. Suddenly a man appeared in front of me and I felt the air displace as his clenched hand made it's way towards my face with inhuman speed. I ducked before it could collide and backed away quickly. The mans eyes darkened, and I heard gasps across the bar. I'd moved too fast for a human. I took in the crowd. It was all wolves, no human scent in sight, other then me.

This why I was drawn there, I had only been around one wolf in twelve years, and I needed to feel comfort : other wolves. It was in my nature to want to be near other wolves, a pack, to want to not be alone anymore. But these wolves didn't want me, no one wanted me. My vision began to blur and I felt my cheeks begin to get wet. Don't you dare cry Dela. I thought to myself. They'll think your weak.

I heard the bell ding, meaning a new customer just walked in. The smell of cheap cologne, liquor, and cigarettes filled my senses and I whimpered slightly. He was here. Slowly, with no control over my actions I kneeled down, placing my hands flat on my knees, my head bowing down in submission, I knew he would be angry so I prepared for his blows. He was there and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

The man behind the counter coughed bringing the attention to him. I felt two pairs of eyes on me, the man, and Master. I knew it was him because of the burning feeling I had as he glared at me.

"I'm going to need you to leave sir," The man behind the counter said.

I heard Master take a few steady steps closer. I felt my tears falling quickly from my eyes, glad that my head was bowed to him and no one could see my face. Master knelt in front of me cupping my face roughly in his hand, slighting it up for me to look at him.

"I need you to leave now sir!" The man behind the counter yelled.

"Come now kitten, you know not to cry." He smiled, a cold smile that made my heart stop. I was going to be beat. I heard the anger in his voice, hidden behind the softness of his words. He let me go and I let my head drop, once again, in submission. He waited a moment for me to stop my soft sniffles, and when I couldn't get a handle on them he scoffed. "Let's get you home kitten." He said standing and turning, flicking his wrist to have me stand and walk closely behind him.

A man stood at the door. "She's going to have to stay here." He said, crossing his arms. I knew that voice.

Master scoffed again. "She's mine. She is not staying here to be beat by a bunch of dogs." He tried to push past him, but failed horribly.

Where I stopped copying

"What you prefer her to be beat by a rogue." I heard the people in the bar chuckle. Master growled low and menacing, and I knew he was becoming angrier. Whimpering, I looked around the room, everyone was looking at Master, whose hands were clenched at his side. Suddenly as if he sensed I had began to look around his head snapped around to reveal a hard glare in my direction. I whimpered once again and looked back at the ground.

The man at the door growled. It was loud and menacing, and I knew it immediately, my head snapped up and I moved to look around Master. A confused expression crossed my face when I saw him. Jake. I wondered how he got here, how he knew Id show up at this bar. There was only one reason he would be here. In the open. I watched his hand tap his arm with feigned impatience three times and I was sure.

Master turned to look at me angrily. He grabbed my arm and tried to pull me towards the door, but I stood there unmoving. "Let's go kitten," he said with such menace it made me whimper. He towered over me, pulling on my arm, and dragging me out of the bar. Jake looked at me confused as I stumbled after him, unable to control myself. As we passed Jake grabbed my arm, holding me in place, giving me the opportunity I needed. I pulled my arm from Master's grasp. He turned around quickly trying to grab me again, but I moved away quicker.

"Kitten, don't anger me." He growled. I walked back further into the bar and he stalked after me. When I heard the bar door close, I looked behind Master at Jake who nodded. Finally. I let myself go, my wolf taking control. I felt my canines extend. "Kitten?" He looked at me confused. I jumped on him, tearing his throat out and stepping back. I watched as he choked on his own blood, struggling to breathe. I walked forward and knelt down. "It's Odelaike. Oldelaike Wayland" I whispered in his ear for only him to hear.

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Hey guys, how do you like the prologue??? I hope its up to par and you enjoy, I don't have a bio or a book cover up yet because I'm not sure about either, but I have 3 chapters written and a continuation of the prologue so I'm really happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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