Chapter 7

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Avi was sat on his bed next to his sister, Esther, after the (natural) disaster that was the café.

There were tears running down his face as Esther sat and comforted her distressed brother.

"its not your fault that she's impatient. "

"i just feel that i'm irritating her... i wanna be better. "

"she has to work with you, she can't demand things from you that you can't give her. if she keeps this act up then i won't hesitate to kick her out of pentatonix. "

"its just... really hard. i feel like they're all waiting on me to get better for the band to move on. they don't see me as someone who managed to survive two horrid attacks... i'm just a victim to them... traumatized victim. "

"they have to wait. they left you to deal with all of your own problems by yourself and to face daniel on your own. the least they can do is wait for you. they only call you a victim is because that's all they know. they don't know how strong you are to go through all if that and still be going on strong. "

Avi shifted on the bed.

" just feels like letting them down... that... i'm a disappointment to all of them. "

He was getting choked up during the sentence but let the tears fall after he was finished. Esther placed a gentle, loving hand on his back.

"don't cry baby brother. you're not a disappointment i'll tell you that now ok? and you better believe it too. i'm disappointed in the band and everyone who accused you and betrayed your trust. they need to wait for you to gather yourself before you can even begin to start working with them again. "

"i don't know anymore es... i-i... i just... i j-just w-want e-ever-y th-ing to go back... to how they were... " "

The younger broke down into tears as his big sister's eyes also filled with tears as she hugged her little brother letting him sob into her shoulder.

"you'll be ok. i know you will. you're from a strong family. we both are. and you can do this. no matter what. hey. "

She moved his head so they were making eye contact.

"i am here for you. no matter what. family is forever but friends come and go. that includes boyfriends, av. i know you really trusted kevin but he just isn't right for you, hun. he wouldn't have done what he did. you deserve someone who can love you no matter the circumstances. he couldn't. "

"but... i want to trust him again... love him... it's going to take time but we will get there... "

"he said he wanted to talk to you some time. "

"tell him i'll come round on saturday. "

"are you sure? you've done a lot, you should rest. "

"it's ok essie. tell him for me please? "

She smiled and stood from the bed and turned to peck her brother's cheek.

"i will. love you, avi. "

"love you too, essie. "

He kissed her cheek before he turned around on the bed before she got up and left the room and pulled out her phone.

(Italics:Esther Underlined:Kevin)

"He agreed. You're lucky he even agreed to meet up with you. "
"Thank you, so much, Esther. "
"Yeah yeah. If he comes home crying or anything verging on heart broken. I will force you both to breakup and you will never get the chance to be with Avi again. Do you understand me? "
"Yes I do. Thank you very much, Esther, you won't regret this I swear. I'll make it up to you. And Avi I swear it. "
*end call*

She looked back at the still figure on the bed before walking to her husband in the kitchen.

Sorry I haven't been updating. Carnival was great and stressful but I had fun playing a dragon on Sunday and a peacock on Monday! My shoulders, legs, and knees hurt and I have cuts on my thighs from where the iron part of my costume rubbed against them and I hope my brother takes me to Hackney Carnival in September. Stay Royal My Royalties👑👑👑~~

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