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two days after normani's party

group chat between normani, camila, ariana, and dinah.

So, I'm fully aware that you two like pretending things never happened, but we actually have to talk about what went down at my party.

I second that.

There is nothing to talk about.

Mila, don't be like that. This is a safe space.

There is not such thing as a safe space with Dinah around.

Which is why Normani and I are here, we want you guys to talk this out.

I just feel like I did nothing wrong and she needs to get over it.

Did nothing wrong?? Are you serious??

I actually have to agree with Mila.. Dinah, that was seriously fucked up.

Oh, so this is a gang up on Dinah party?

If so I can leave.

You completely humiliated me, degraded me and acted as if I meant absolutely nothing to you... and you think you're the victim? Comical.

You would know a thing or two about playing the victim, right?

Dinah. Don't.

Dinah, don't go there.

Go where? All the times someone hurt her feelings and instead of talking about it like an adult she ran and hide? Made everyone think we were torturing her all because she took something the wrong way. I'm not dealing with that shit again.

Dealing with my shit? I've never once blamed any of you for anything. I take my feelings and I keep them to myself, that doesn't make me a bad person nor does that make me a victim.

No, but that makes you selfish. How do you expect someone to fix something if you won't even tell them what's wrong??

I never asked you to fix anything. I took what you threw at me and I kept it to myself. That's my way of coping, that doesn't make me wrong.

Again, you may not be wrong, but you are selfish.

Me?? Selfish?? Do I have to remind you that you came to me asking to rekindle our friendship? The friendship that you threw out the window? Do I have to remind you that I tried, I really fucking did but I obviously meant nothing to you.

You're so dramatic. Yeah, I asked to rekindle our friendship because I missed you. But I didn't ask for you to come in here and demand me choose between you and Lauren.

How many times do I have to tell you that no one was asking you to choose between Lauren and I, I just didn't wanna be your dirty little secret.

Bullshit. You know the price of me telling Lauren, you knew it meant losing Lauren as a friend. So I didn't do it. I'm not gonna do it. And what I did the other way, will continue to happen. I'm choose Lauren, Camila. Get over it.


Dinah, I don't know what crawled up your ass and died but you came to me, brawling your eyes out over missing Camila. And you're telling me just like that you're gonna throw it all away?? Are you that afraid of losing Lauren?

Yes I am actually.

No offense to Lauren because she's not here to defend herself, but if being friends with Camila is gonna make Lauren drop you, is she really a friend worth keeping?

Don't you dare try to go there, okay. Lauren is an amazing friend. She is insightful, she is beautiful, she is kind and for the most part she stayed. She stayed with me with Camila decided to leave and you know what? I feel like I owe her for that. I was a mess when you left and Lauren was my rock. The bond we created can't be broken and yeah, I may miss you, but I'm not about to drop everything I have for you. Not when I'm not sure if you're gonna actually stay.

Not sure I'm gonna stay? Dinah I meant what I've been trying to tell you. I miss you just as much, or even more, I wouldn't do all of this just to drop our friendship.

How would I know that! You don't talk to me, Camila. You said it yourself, you take your feelings and you hide them. I don't know why you do it but you do. And because you do I never know what's truly going on. How can I trust that you'll be there if I don't even know what you're thinking.

By trusting in what I'm telling you. You don't need to know what's going on in my mind, Dinah. If I'm telling you I'm here, I'm here. I don't even understand myself or what I feel most of the time, I can't present empty thoughts.

Look, you guys both really care for one another. I think Dinah you need to trust in Camila, I know it's hard but look at me. I did it. And now I'm at a point where I see and talk to Mila more than you.

And Camila, you have to be patient with Dinah. Lauren means too much to her and she's scared. We all know the way Lauren would react, I meant look at what happened the other day. Give her time.

On top of that, Dinah you need to apologize.



Love, Camila was really excited to be around you and you completely ignored her. She came up to you to speak and you literally turned your back on her in front of a group of people, I watched it happen. She waited until you were alone to try to figure out what was going on and you yelled at her. We were all confused at first, but then we talked to Lauren and realized she wasn't happy with Camila being there which is most likely why you pretended she wasn't there. I get it, you were trying to save Lauren's feelings, but you hurt Camila's in the process.

I didn't meant to. I just wanted Lauren to enjoy herself, I didn't want to be the reason she was down.

We are aware. But Camila is your friend, too.

She is. Which means she deserves at least some kind of respect to not be yelled at or ignored. She's not a child.

You're right.

I'm really sorry, Camila. I was just trying to be a good friend to Lauren, I did notice what I was doing to you.

I know, it just hurts a little. But I'll be patient. I don't want our friendship to ruin yours.

And I'll be trusting. You won't hurt me, I know that now.

And it looks like my job is done.

You're welcome, ladies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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