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Build my fear of what's out there
And cannot breathe the open air
Lucy POV
I was sitting in Nik's house. Was I dreaming? I had to be because why would I come here. I was looking around the room it was full of baby toys. Yep I was dreaming.

"Hello child." I heard somebody say behind me.

I turned around quick to see Esther. "God dammit! What do you want?"

"I came to congratulate you." She said.

"Congratulate me for what?" I asked.

"For failing miserably." She said.

I was confused. "How did I fail miserably?"

"You didn't save Niklaus." She said.

"Save him? How the hell am I suppose to save someone that doesn't want to be saved?" I asked. "Besides he cheated on me and knocked up some werewolf!"

"I know and because you couldn't stay in Mystic Falls for just a little while longer with Kol he cheated on you, so you failed." She said.

"Ugh Esther you make no sense. It's not what ever year you come from. Woman can do whatever the hell they want now." I said.

"Like failing?" She asked.

I glared at her. "Get to the point."

"Since you failed I have to come back and fix what you couldn't." She said.

"Come back? You're on the other side you are dead." I told her.

"And I know of a way, you have been warned," she said before disappearing.
I woke up in my bed running over the dream. That bitch just couldn't stay out of my head. It has been about a week since New Orleans. After Kol drove me home I insisted him not staying that it wasn't safe for him to be around while my brothers had the white oak stake. The last thing I needed was for him to leave my life.

I sat in the house most days and got drunk. Some days I went to the Grill but stayed away from most people. I did say I had more bonding time with Elena. With her emotions turned off I liked her much better.

I sighed before getting out of bed and going downstairs. I sat at the kitchen table laying my head down. I was playing with a match box making sound a with my mouth as I pushed it across the table. I crashed it into the table making sound effects.

"What the hell are you doing?" Damon asked walking into the room.

I glared at him. "What does it look like?"

"What is wrong with you?" He asked

"Nothing." I snapped.

"Look you've been like this since you came back from New Orleans. What happened between you and Klaus. You came back but not him." Damon said.

I didn't tell my brothers anything. Nothing about the miracle baby or him cheating on me. The only other person who knew was Kol and he's gone too.

I looked back at Damon. "Aw you that stupid?" I asked. "Klaus and I are done."

Damon looked shocked. "Sorry."

"Shut up." I snapped at him.

"If you're going to be a bitch you could at least go somewhere else." Damon said.

I threw the matchbox car making it go in his shoulder. He grunted before pulling it out. "Go to hell." I said standing up.
I went to the grill to see Rebekah stacking up empty shot glasses. I sat at the stool beside her. "I see you compelled the bartenders again." I told her.

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