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I hate feeling this way. I really do. No matter how much I tried to hate Newt I can't hate him because I still care about him. I'm still in love with him so it hurts being next to him and remembering that he's engaged so I can't grab his hand or kiss him. No matter how much I want to, Newt deserves all the happiness in the world. So if his happiness is with Leta Lestrange than I need to be happy for him and not be selfish. That's what I need to do. Not be selfish and go back on track. Finding Credence.

It just amazes me that I'm actually going to see the French Ministry of Magic. I mean, breaking into the office...well if it's really called a break-in. Newt, Tina, and I were across the street forming some kind of plan. Tina suggested I turn around and go back with Jacob. I stood my ground and said no that this is for Credence. Sure, we might have argued but I still won at the end...with a bit of Newt's help by stating I know Credence better than anyone so maybe there's something he in the room that I might be familiar with. I don't know what it might be, but I didn't object. Tina gave me a sigh and told me to stay close to her. Which I nodded to. I hope we could actually find Credence's parents so I could slap the both of them for abandoning him.

Newt peaked around the corner before setting his case down. "The box is in the Ancestral Record room," he told us. "So it's three floors down."

Newt pulled out a small vial from his coat. "What's that?" I asked.

"It's Polyjuice," Tina answered.

Newt nodded in confirmation. "It's just enough to get me inside."

Newt drowned the potion in one go and started to groan. His head jerked from left to right. Newt kept groaning. I gave him a worried look and was going to grab him to see if he was ok but I stopped myself when his face started to change. His fringe was styled back. His facial features became...what's the word? Mature. More serious.

"Who the hell -" I started.

"It's my brother, Theseus," Newt said. "He's an Auror and a hugger."

I furrowed my brows as I took a good look. "That's Theseus?" Newt gave me a slow nod as his head slowly tilted. "I really don't see anything special about the golden boy."

Was Newt really the shadow of Mr. Perfect? I don't really see it. Sure, Theseus might be ok looking but he seems like he tries too hard to be the star of their family.

Newt's head snapped up at me in shock before letting out a small chuckle. "You'll be the first."

Newt turned around and went towards the building with Tina and me in tow. I'm not going to think about the troubles the two would be if someone realizes they brought a Muggle with them. Especially, since I'm supposed to forget about all of this.

We entered the building with no problem. People just let us walk by and greeted Newt...I mean Theseus. It's just so strange seeing another man wear Newt's clothes. Ok, I get it, it's still Newt but it's really weird. It's cool because there are potions that could do that. I mean...imagine the younger wizards using it to sneak into an R rated film. I know, dumb example, but it's the only one I could think of at the top of my head.

"Stay close to me," Tina whispered. "If anyone figures out you're not a -"

I nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get it. People would realize how awesome I am and try to take that away." Tina gave me those serious looks. "I know. I might be obliviated again and we don't need to add that to our list of problems." I looked up as we walked through the lobby and found the real Theseus staring at us. "Speaking of..."

Newt grabbed my hand and started dragging me with him. I yanked my hand away and continued walking fast. I tried to ignore the hurtful look on Newt's face, which was really easy this time because it wasn't really Newt's face I had to stare at. So it's just plain weird that it's "Theseus" giving me the look. We turned the corner and Newt started to groan again.

I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldWhere stories live. Discover now