An Executed Railroad Worker Haunts Arkansas As A Mysterious Floating Light

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In 1931, a railroad worker named Louis McBride allegedly killed his supervisor from the Missouri Pacific Railroad. The foreman had fired McBride for an infraction, and some claim McBride had intentionally manipulated a piece of track to cause a train crash. Seeking revenge for being fired, McBride killed his former boss by beating him with a railroad spike maul; authorities arrested McBride and executed him by electrocution.

Not long after McBride's death, a mysterious moving light began appearing along the train tracks, far from the highway. People have witnessed it many times since, and the TV show Unsolved Mysteries documented the phenomenon.

Though there are some scientific theories to explain the occurrence, local legends attribute the light to the ghost of McBride - or that of a different rail worker who was decapitated in an accident and allegedly continues to search for his head.

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