Boys and Shit

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It was Nash,Cam,Carter,Hayes and Bryant

"Well looks like its a Party now." Faith said sarcastically

The boys walked out of the restaurant they yelled at them a crossed the Walmart parking lot Carter and Nash yelled back and Cameron and Hayes raced over.Hayes won he plays Football though so it doesn't surprise me.

"Are they guest at Digi is that why they're here?" Tristan asked

Non of us really knew but there was no other reason they would be here.

"The Fam Tour came here a couple months ago."She added While she pulled her hair up into a hair tie

"All these boys I can't do this." Autumn said

"Anyone else sexually and emotionally unstable"I said half laughing.

They were still outside I was ready to get out I wanted to meet all four of them and I loved Cameron just as much as Sammy its confusing.We had meet all the other boys already so I wasn't going to let them slip away when they were 5 feet away.

"Lets go"I said turning around as i opened the driver side door

Lips slammed into mine.It was Sammy and Cameron was looking straight at me Autumn,Faith, and,Tristan all just witnessed that

"Where are you going babe?" Sammy asked

"Well I kinda wanted to meet the other boys" I fumbled my words trying to take in what just happened.

Sammy is way to good and gorgeous for me.I love him but I also didn't expect him to kiss me or for Cameron to show up and watch the show of us making out.Jake watched Faith jump out of the car and grabbed Faith. Autumn used to love Carter. Tristan doesn't even know she loved Nash then Kenny and I can't tell how she feels 3 guys and it all changes your feelings when they are right in front of your face.They grow stronger and non of it really makes since I'm still confused on how we are all here with all these amazing,perfectly sexy, beautiful faced guys.I need to think Jack J interrupted my thoughts by asking the guys If they were staying at the same hotel to hangout with them.

"I wish we were all on the same tour"I heard Autumn whisper in Faiths ear

She just replied with "Don't we all"

"Are you girls ready to go" Nate asked

"We will follow you guys Cam" Sammy yelled as they waked back a crossed the parking lot.

"What are we going to do?" Tristan whispered before we all piled in before all the boys took up the whole car.

Jack picked Autumn up and sat her on his lap.Faith was laying half on Jake half off.Tristan was now leaning on Kenny and had her legs on Matt.

We got back to the hotel that the boys are staying at Nate,Matt and Jack Johnson waited for the other guys to arrive while we all went up to the rooms It was 2:30 already so we would have to start getting ready soon we have to be their early for rehearsal.

"I really wish you boys would come with us.It would make the show so much better for everyone" I pouted to Sammy and Jake since they were the only guys in the room.

Faith agreed and looked at Jake with puppy dog eyes "plleeaaasse you love us"

"Ok ill talk to the boys and see what they say" Jake smiles come on we will go now

Faiths POV

I grabbed Jakes hand and we walked out the door he kept nudging me he's so sweet.I'm in love.Jake interrupted my thoughts

"What are you thinking about Babe?"

"You" I smiled

He grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall until we were rudely interrupted by a group of loud kids

I huffed and turned around to keep walking

"Isn't that the guys that were at iHop earlier"

I turned around so slow and prayed t want them

"fuck" I muttered "yeah let's go"

Jake knocked on the door

Jacks POV

She is so hot straddling me.I want her.Her lips were hot on mine I loved the feeling of her lips on mine.Then there was a knock on the door.

"I got the door"I yelled to Tristan and Kenny that weren't paying attention anyways because they were technically making out they were on top of each other fighting over something "Ill be right back babe" i whispered in his ear don't go anywhere she teased

"Trust me I won't."I winked

A few moments later the door flew open it was Autumn "I looked at her and mouthed we have to talk now" She new it was serious I could tell by her face Faith come in here and help me finnish my hair.The door shut.

"They're here They're in this hotel right now"

Autumns POV

"Tristan sorry to break up your little session but we need your opinion In here right now" I coughed

She walked in and closed the door behind here "We have a problem The other guys are here" I was confused

"No not this No they're not your fucking kidding me" Tristan threw her hands in her hair

I heard yelling down the hall "fuck that's them they're coming" Faith stated

I heard Jai and Luke fighting over food and Daniel yelled "James What the fuck man!" After a loud thump on the wall.They all started laughing then it got quiet and a door shut.

"Fuck their room is right down the hall" Tristan squealed

We were interrupted with a knock on the bathroom door

"Hey drama queens I gotta piss"Jack complained

Faith opened the door and gave him a dirty look and gave him a dirty look then laughed and Tristan nudged him I walked out and grabbed his face and kissed him hard I shoved my body on the front of him to finnish what I left earlier and he backed up and picked me up "I gotta piss" whispered in my neck walking towards the bathroom he sat me down "You can wait in here or outside but you better decide fast babe" As much as I wanted to stay in here with him I winked and walked out

While you guys were having your gossip session we decided we would go with you tonight to your meet up.We have to talk to the other guys though Jake smiled.

* This next chapter might get a little sexual.If you don't want to read it just skip over it.I know some of you guys don't like that so at any time that you don't like it just ignore it.I hope you guys are enjoying so far.Sorry I am no professional. (: *

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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