It's post time

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        November 17th 2003. The big race. 1,000 dollar purse.  I looked at the Odds board. Who was 54/1? You guessed it. Me. My horse was known as  a lost cause. His name was Socks. Socks was a great horse. He had the heartof Hard Tack, but the speed of Seabiscuit. Nobody would dare to get on him. He nearly tore off a bug boy's finger once. I checked my watch. 15 minutes to post. I put my silks on and went to go get on my horse. 

       "Hey Blue Eyes!" I turned around, it was the jockey on the 2/1 horse. "Dammit" I thought, we were about to fight.

        "Who was the son of a bitch who thought you could win?" He spat.

        "The same Son of a bitch who thought you would win!" I retorted.

Out of nowhere He threw a punch to my face, so I jumped him. I grabbed him by the neck and beat the crap out of him. Next thing I knew, My boss's hands were on my shoulders shaking me off of him. 

"Go take a walk Jill." He said. I mumbled the words 'yes sir' and went to go get my horse. 8 minutes to post. I went to the mounting ring and headed to the starting gate. It really wasnt much of a starting gate as much as a rope held by to people holding it on both sides. Here we go. It's post time.

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