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   The beer was at no fault when it was spewed out from Lisa’s mouth. Upon hearing this ridiculous news, she was initially filled with enough surprise to choke on the alcohol. Well, when given a second thought, it wasn’t that much of a surprising news because a part of her reason had been carrying the suspicion for a long time. But being informed that it actually happened was something else!

   “Barry Allen? Barry ‘the freaking Flash’Allen?” Lisa gripped the bottle by its neck and spun around in a circle, unable to hold back a series of laughter. Len was sitting on a chair a few steps away from her with a perplexed look on his face that might as well be screaming: I regret saying anything.

   They were in one of the safe houses to work on the museum heist. Lisa had figured out about the whole deal and stubbornly claimed to take part in it because museums and galleries were the favorite places she liked to rob----Lisa deemed the art of stealing paramount and the art of stealing art was totally her aesthetic. And then the ever-lingering smile that would shine about on Lenny’s face was just so pathetically obvious and bizarre that she had no choice but to interrogate her brother rather inquisitively until the cold moron finally replied as he should have in the first ten minutes. This was fucking golden.

   “Lenny,” Lisa affectionately called when she calmed herself down.

   “What?” he reluctantly answered.

   “You’re such a train wreck,” and then she resumed to another fit of laughter. To see Len so full of unprecedented happiness and unexplained excitement like a teenage boy was too damn funny for some reason. Central City would throw a fit if they knew what Captain Cold looked like when he was in love----oh my god, but then with a superhero, the guardian angel of the city, the Flash?! Hollywood gossips were nothing compared to this cover story-worthy news.

   “Shut up, Lisa,” Len groaned.

   “You’re kidding,” Lisa set down the bottle on top of the blueprint. “There’s no way I can shut up about this.”

   “If you----”

   “Yeah, I won’t say a word to anyone else. I know the risk too,” she winked. “But you’ll suffer a lot when we’re alone.”

   “I won’t let you in the house.”

   “That’s cute. I’m actually a thief,” she shrugged.

   A short silence of realization hung in the air.

   “But there might be a way to spare yourself from my incoming blows,” she settled on her knees and gazed right into her brother’s eyes across the desk. The negotiating mode was on.

   “I am very interested,” Len muttered.

   “Let Barry be my cupid,” Lisa suggested ambiguously.

   Len frowned confused. “What does that mean?”

   Lisa rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Cisco. You know that cute guy we kidnapped once? Who made our flamboyant guns for us?”

   “Yes, I do remember. And no, I will not let you use Barry to flirt with someone that most likely holds a grudge against us,” Len said.

   “Hell yeah, like you were on good terms with Barry Allen from the beginning. You just don’t like me dating him,” Lisa pouted, standing up.

   “It’s not…Even if I could let that happen, I’m not certain Barry is going to tell STAR Labs about our relationship anytime soon,” he explained. Len seemed a bit disconcerted as if he couldn’t handle another hurdle concerning a newly sprouting romance when blooming his own love story right now made him breathless. Lisa’s lips curved into another smile.

   “I’m not pushing you, Lenny. I like taking my time,” and then she shot him that look she knew Len could not neglect. The imploring, innocent mask of an adorable younger sister that she put on whenever she wanted something from Len. It worked, like, 94% of the time and thankfully, it proved useful at this moment also. Lisa understood the mini sigh sounding like leaving Len’s soul as an implication of consent.

   “Fine. But whether that kid fancies you or not is none of my concern,” Len mumbled monotonously.

   “You’re the best brother in the world,” said Lisa, bubbling up with grins and smiles.

   “Very convenient, isn’t it?” He didn’t even try to hide the sarcasm in it. “Now why don’t we focus on our task here, sis?”

   I know you can’t. Lisa mentally answered although she did walk around the desk to get a proper look at the blueprint. Who can focus when the Flash is your boyfriend?




A few days later


   “Uh, Barry?” Cisco eyed the ominous looking text message that had just arrived in his inbox. He didn’t recognize the number.

   “Yep?” His friend glanced up with a cloudless, or clueless expression.

   “This…what do you think it means?” He held out the phone for Barry to see.

   The mysterious message read: ‘Be seeing you real soon xo –GG’.

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