Chapter Two

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A/N: Sorry I haven't published anything in a while. Homework sucks. I created an OC for this part of the story, just to make Bumblebee's decision to leave the Decepticons a little more authentic. I also introduced Shockwave's casset(s), even though I don't think they are in Transformers: Prime, because, well. I love them. I know that there hasn't been a ton of action, but it's all coming in the next few chapters!


The youngling had tried to escape. Again. And again. And again. And each time he was caught, each punishment worse than the last.

The half-predacon, half-cybertronian no longer believed that Shockwave might actually care for him, deep down inside that frozen spark of his. If Shockwave cared, he never would have experimented on him in the first place! 

The nameless young bot hated Shockwave with his entire spark. He was cruel, and ruthless, and without morals. Shockwave only wanted to serve Megatron, and would kill anybot in his way in order to do so. And... he was the one who took away Lightspark.

After his first attempt at escape, Shockwave had hired a Decepticon caretaker to make sure it didn't happen again. Lightspark had been brought in, and cared for the youngling with quiet kindness. 

She taught the him about the world, and showed him what true kindness really was. She even gave him his name- Bumblebee. 

Bumblebee sat in his caretaker's lap, tilting his head to stare up at her, giving her his complete attention. "A bumblebee is an organic creature found in the far reaches of the galaxy. They are small, have yellow and black stripes, and can have a nasty sting if you annoy them. But most importantly, they are vital to the world around them." She smiled down at him, tapping his forehelm and making him giggle. "Just like you."

Lightspark was the carrier he never had. 

Bumblebee always knew she didn't belong with the Decepticons- she was too compassionate, too caring. But he never mentioned it, for fear Shockwave would take her away, never to be seen again.

And then his worst nightmare came to life. Shockwave discovered that she was an Autobot spy, and came for her in the middle of a lesson. Lightspark shoved him in a storage closet and locked the door, so the only way he could see what was going on was through a small slit in the bottom of the door. He saw her fall to the ground, clutching at her spark chamber, and heard her intakes stutter to a stop. 

As Lightspark's lifeless frame was dragged away from the screaming, sobbing youngling, who pounded on the door with all his might, before collapsing on the floor. Just before he reached the point of a panic attack, a message popped up on his HUD. It read:

My sweet Bumblebee,

If you are reading this, it means that I am now one with the Well of Allsparks. Whatever you do, don't focus on revenge. Grieve, and try your best to move on. Try to save those who cannot save themselves. Work to stop those who fight against the good in this world. Whenever you can, fight with words and not with violence.

And most of all, remember that you are stronger than you know, and that I will always be proud of you, no matter what.

All my love, Lightspark

Bumblebee fell to the ground and bawled his spark out, wailing for Lightspark to come back. Joors later, he finally fell asleep in the small, dark closet. When he woke up, frame sore and spark heavy with grief, Bumblebee vowed to join the Autobot cause and honour Lightspark's last wishes. 

When Shockwave finally freed him from the closet, and after his extensive punishment was over, Bumblebee began training harder than ever. He pushed himself to the limit (and tried to escape a few more times, all to no avail) to make sure that next time someone he loved was in danger, he would be able to save them.


Bumblebee was several stellar cycles older now. He was smarter. Stronger. More experienced. He knew how to lie and act, spy on and sabotage, and how to use his enhanced senses, strength and speed to his advantage. He was just buying his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to escape and utterly destroy Shockwave and the Decepticon cause in one fell swoop.

A soft scuttling sound interrupted his plotting. Helm snapping upwards, he jumped to his feet and stood at attention as one of Shockwave's cassets entered the small room. It seemed to stare at him for a moment, then turned and scuttled away. Bumblebee ex-vented quietly, and followed.

As he walked the hallways of the massive base, Bumblebee mentally prepared himself to take on the persona of the hardworking bot who only wants to serve Shockwave and the Decepticon cause. This personality (hopefully) made Shockwave trust him a little more, which was extremely difficult given that Bumblebee had tried to escape four different times in his very short lifespan. But he had to act as if he had finally given up on that "silly dream". 

Luckily, he had been keeping the same act up for over thirteen deca-cycles. He had completed every order Shockwave had given him since his last attempt to escape, and it was torture. Literally, he had to torture multiple bots. He always came in later and did what he could to take care of them without it being too noticeable. And he helped them escape. But still.

It was worth it, because Shockwave actually started to believe the act. At least, he hoped so. 

Following the casset into the main laboratory, Bumblebee plastered an excited look on his face and energetically saluted Shockwave, who was standing in the center of the room.

"Sir!" he said, back straight and every muscle tensed, ready for action. Shockwave didn't spare him a second glance, and no, he was not hurt whatsoever, why would you ask that? He killed Lightspark, for Primus' sake!

Bumblebee relaxed slightly and walked forward, taking the datapad that Shockwave handed to him. He scanned over it quickly with his optics, the amber colour inside them growing for a moment and then shrinking again as he looked back up at the Decepticon scientist.

Shockwave began to speak in that monotone voice that had brought Bumblebee so much pain and made him want to scream.

"You must infiltrate an Autobot encampment near Iacon. Lord Megatron thinks that may be where the Autobots are hiding the Allspark, and where they may intend to destroy it. You must retrieve the Allspark and deliver it to me. It is vital that you complete this mission with the utmost secrecy."

Shockwave looked at Bumblebee, an emotion in his eyes, but Bumblebee couldn't tell what it was. He was mostly surprised that Shockwave was showing any form of emotion at all. And then Shockwave had to turn away and ruin the moment entirely.

"Do not fail."

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