Chapter Four - The human world

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“MAN!!!! Packing your bag is such a pain in the wolf’s backside. Why do you have so much clothes?” Zach has been complaining for the past half hour. Whining like a little kid not getting what they want. Which isn’t hard for him to do considering the fact that he’s always like this, though he’s 18. A year older than me. And I’m the mature one. *sigh*

“And what exactly do you want me to do about it?” I say with a mockingly annoyed voice.

“How about have less clothing?” he replies with an actual annoyed voice.

“What girl has little clothing?”

“Werewolf girls do.”

“That’s when they are in werewolf form. Meaning they don’t wear any clothing”

“That technically means that I’ve seen them all naked.” He starts snickering.

“Oh be quiet. And try maturing a bit!” I chuck a top, or at least what I though was a top at his head. He laughs and takes the piece of clothing off his head.

“Nice underwear. It’s big enough to wear as a hat!” Zach says as he puts it on his head.

Such a child. Normally girls would probably snatch their underwear off the guy but growing up with Zach I’ve learnt the hard way to just accept him to do stuff like this. And the fact that if I let it get to me I won’t hear the end of it. Besides its really funny. I guess I’m not normal.

There was only one way you could describe Zach. And that is O-D-D. Odd. He does wacky things that just don’t make sense. And drags me along with him, not that I have a problem with it. But sometimes I wonder if he was dropped as a baby, off a cliff, a thousand times. That’s how crazy he can get.

But for those who want a better description – and since the author kindly has the time – of Zach here it is. He has wavy, pale macadamia nut coloured hair with cocoa streaks and tips, slightly longer than the jawline. All werewolves have ‘interesting’ hair colours, all depending on their wolfs fur colour. Zach’s about six foot five, which is really tall.  He has yellow eyes but streaked with green making it look lime coloured.

And like I said he is just plain odd.

Zach starts dancing around my room like a maniac. Prancing around like a sheep one point, then leaping around with no grace what so ever like a dancer with no training – which is him – and falling over furniture.

I couldn’t keep a straight face after he topples over the sofa for the thousandth time. We both burst in to laughter. Eventually we end up rolling on the floor laughing, both clutching our stomachs and gasping for air.

And then…. BANG! We both stop laughing and look towards the doorway. We see Daniel standing in the doorway staring down at us with both an amused and freaked out looking face.

“And I thought Uerotians couldn’t get any weirder. What are you guys doing anyway? Wait no, don’t bother answering that.”

Zach was the first of us two to recover from our simultaneous ‘freeze frame’ and with embarrassment, rips off the ‘fancy clothing’.

I clear my throat. “So, Daniel, what is it? Is everything alright?”

“Oh yeah, um, so the General wants you to come urgently. I quote, ‘Get the Princess and leave immediately. You’ll catch the disease,’ Okay the last part I made up but yeah. We’re going to leave within the next half hour.” Then Daniel looks down and starts twiddling his thumb.

Honestly, why are both the guys like children in their own way?

“What?! That’s unreasonable! Surely she’d have more time to say good bye!” Zach makes a sudden outburst. It’s been three days since we got the letter Zach. But you do make a good point.

“Look I’m sorry, really I am but orders are orders. I can’t deny the generals orders. I’ll set the portal up at the back courtyard. Come down when you’re ready. Then Daniel leaves without saying another word.

Zach and I finish off packing my bags in silence. And unlike before, there’s no joking and messing around.


Zach and I head down to the back courtyard where my father, Moss and Daniel are waiting for me. I run up to my father and give him a massive hug.

“My dear daughter,” he says in my ear. He pulls apart and holds my shoulders. “Be careful. Stay safe. Stay strong and don’t let them hurt you.” He kisses my forehead. I nod, I had a feeling that if I spoke, I’d start crying.

Then I turn to Moss. “It’s been a pleasure serving you Princess. I look forward to your return and to serve you once more.” Moss says, though his words were kind, he has the most serious face on its hard not to laugh. I give him a hug, which caught him off guard but what can I say? He’s been there for me my whole life.

“Thankyou.” I whispered to him as I pull away.

I turn to Zach and bloody hell. He looks like he’s been to hell and back. “Hey.” He says. I just had to roll my eyes.

“Can you get anymore cliché? Seriously? ‘Hey’?”

A smile stars to creep his face. “How about, with all the years we have been together, I cannot believe we’re finally parting ways?” Zach says this with the most dramatic voice he could muster, which coming from him sounds more like a robot. I couldn’t help but laugh and eventually he starts laughing to.

I hear someone clear their throat (probably Daniel) and we both stop laughing. Zach hands me a box and a piece of paper. With curiosity I start to open the box. But Zach puts his hand on top of mine to stop me.

“Don’t open it until you get there, promise me.” his eyes turn yellow telling me that he’s about to turn, and the serious tone in his voice tell me I should do as he says.

“Okay.” I say. Zach’s eyes twinkle a bit telling me that he has planned something, but I let that thought go as Daniel yells, “Let’s go!” I turn around and see the portal had gone smaller.

“I should go.”

“Yeah, I know.” Zach looks away.

I turn around toward the portal and start walking. But somethinAg isn’t right. Something’s missing author. Do something that’ll get the readers fan-girling. Or at least, if you’re a girl. Honestly, you can’t end the first part of the story like this! Do something!!

I run back to Zack and kiss him, smack bang on the lips catching him off guard. I think I caught everyone off guard, even me.

Nice one author! Points for catching your own main character off guard!! Woohoo!

I pull away first. Zach gives me a half smile as I smile up at him. “Can you get any more cliché?” he says mimicking my voice. I laugh and run straight into the portal. As I am engulfed by the blue liquid I hear a wolf’s cry.

Growing fainter and fainter. 

Authors Notes: 

Hello everyone! I hope you liked that chapter! i know I did!!

Sorry if it seemed a bit rushed for Leilah and Zach, but I had to put it there or else it's never gonna happen...... AND! yeah. How cute is it though! Fangirling about my own story, wow I am weird..

And people! 81 reads in 4 weeks!!! Like what even?! It may not seem like much, but I'm really happy about it and it means sooo much to know that you peeps are reading my story! Love you all!!!

Thats it for now. I updaated early cos i felt like it!! Yeah

TTYL bros and happy readin'! Robi :)

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