Part 2

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Exiting the medical wing with new bandages, and pumped full of pain relief medication, Peter looked up and saw his decathlon team.

They were being led by an intern, who Peter believed was named Laura. Looking at him with confusion clear on her face, she paused her speech about medical procedures in the Avengers Compound. The whole decathlon team turned to Peter in surprise.

"Crap," Peter muttered under his breath.

"Peter?" Mr. Harrington asked, bewildered at Peter's sudden appearance. "I thought you were sick."

"Oh, yeah. That's why I was in the medical wing," Peter said, trying to fake a cough. He looked at Ned, who was staring at Peter with a mix of shock and annoyance. Flash stared at Peter skeptically, and MJ flipped him off when he looked at her. Following the uncomfortable silence, Peter said "Well...I'm just going to go now," and started turning away.

"Hold up. Why are you here, Parker?" Flash asked.

"I work here," he mumbled awkwardly, trying to avoid his friends' faces. After standing in more painful silence, Peter began to walk away.

"Wait, Peter!" Ned said, grabbing his shoulder. "Can he join us?" he asked, turning to Laura.

"Uh, yes. Of course," she said, looking flustered. She then turned, and began leading the team down the halls.

"Peter, what the hell?" Ned asked, pulling him to the back of the group. MJ trailed behind them, silently listening to their conversation. She had already figured out that Peter was Spider-man, so they accepted her presence. "Why weren't you at school earlier? Was it, you know...?" Ned pretended to shoot webs from his wrist.

Behind them, MJ rolled her eyes. "You know that's really obvious,"

"Whatever, asshole," Ned said, sticking his tongue out at her.

MJ opened her mouth to say something when Peter interrupted her.

"Yeah, I got shot on patrol last night,"

"Holy hell," Ned whispered, his voice a mixture of awe and fear. "What happened?"

"Here are all the laboratories," Laura said before Peter could answer. "Used by our top scientists, including Tony Stark, these labs are equipped with some of the best technology."

In front of the group was a wall of windows, each giving a view into the labs. At the end of the hall was Lab 1, Mr. Stark's extensive, personal lab. All the students ran over to the windows of his lab, watching Mr. Stark playing around with a computer.

With Ned distracted by the presence of his idol, Peter took the opportunity to duck out of the group, and go down another hall that lead to the entrances of the labs. Opening the door, he looked up and saw his whole team on the other side of the window. All of their faces were painted with shock as they saw Peter walk up to Mr. Stark, and tap his shoulder.

"Oh, hey, kid," Mr. Stark said, pausing from his work. "How's the wound coming along?"

"Great. Uh, my team's here, so-"

"Oh, then let's say hello!" Mr. Stark said, rising from his worktable, strolling towards the door.

"No, no, no, please" Peter said, blocking the door. "You're going to embarrass me!"

Mr. Stark feigned surprise, "Me? I would never!"

Peter glared at him, causing Mr. Stark to let out a chuckle.

"Fine, kid. I'll see you at lunch,"


"Nothing!" Mr. Stark said, pushing Peter out of the lab.

When he reached his team again, they all looked at him in awe. Peter gave them a small smile, then followed Laura as she led them down another hall, trying to ignore the attention they were giving him.

The intern showed them a few offices, containing some employees who were working at their desks, then led them to a viewing area that opened to the gym below. It was empty except for Mr. Barton and Natasha, who were sparring each other.

"Oh my gosh, it's Black Widow!" Sally yelled, pointing at her. Immediately, Nat threw Mr. Barton down, and held him down until he slapped the mat twice. Everyone applauded her as she rose, and waved at them.

"We need more heroes like her, you know" MJ told Peter and Ned as they watched her help Mr. Barton get up. "She's just a super skilled female assassin, not an enhanced dude,"

"What's wrong with being enhanced?" Peter asked, pretending to be offended.

"You're such a dork," MJ said, punching his shoulder


Nat noticed Peter standing among the teenagers, and smiled at him. "Ready for sparring, ребенок паук?" she yelled.

"Not yet!" Peter yelled back, smiling at her. She waved at them one last time before turning back to face Mr. Barton again.

"Okay, guys! It's time for lunch," Laura yelled, and guided them down the hall towards the cafeteria.

The hall opened up into the large, spacious cafeteria. Sunlight streamed through the windows, and a few employees sat at the tables eating their lunches. Standing right in front of them was Mr. Stark, holding a large paper bag labeled Peter in bold print. The whole decathlon team let out a collective gasp when they noticed him standing there.

Only MJ and Peter looked unimpressed when they saw Mr. Stark standing there with his stupid, flashy grin.

"It's Ironman!" Ned whispered, voice full of awe.

"You must be Ned! Peter's told me all about you!" Mr. Stark said, looking at him.

"Holy freaking hell, he knows my name!" Ned looked like he was about to faint, and MJ just rolled her eyes, and took a seat at one of the tables.

"Peter!" Mr. Stark said, ruffling his hair, making Peter turn a brilliant shade of red. "I made you lunch,"

"Thanks, Mr. Stark" Peter said, begrudgingly taking the bag.

"No problem kid" Mr. Stark scanned the decathlon team, then paused on Flash. "Flash!"

"Yes, sir?" Flash said, surprised.

Mr. Stark's gaze hardened, "Leave my kid alone." Then, he smiled again, and left the cafeteria.

Flash nodded, shocked at what had just occurred.

Feeling like he was about to melt with embarrassment, Peter sat down next to MJ, who was busy sketching Flash's stunned face. Ned slipped into the seat next to Peter, looking like he was going to explode with joy.

"Wow," Ned said. "I am so honored that you told Tony Stark about me,"

"Yeah, sure, buddy" Peter said, opening the bag and pulling out three sandwiches, an apple, and a Capri Sun. Relieved that Mr. Stark remember his increased metabolism, Peter began munching on the first sandwich.

"And did you see the look on Flash's face?" Ned said, closing his eyes as he thought about the events of the last five minutes.

"Look, I've immortalized it" MJ said, holding up her journal with a grin.

"MJ, that is one of the most beautiful works I have ever laid eyes upon," Ned said with a smile..

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