Chapter Three: Anything but Her

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Oakley's PoV

I wake up to an alarm blaring and someone crushing my chest. I open my eyes to Cass jumping on me and telling me to wake up.
"Come on, we only have an hour to get ready and I need to decide what to wear."
I groggily get out of bed and have a shower and do my teeth before getting dressed and waiting for Cass to decide what she's wearing from my closet. She eventually picks a pair of denim shorts with a short sleeved, black button up shirt with sunflowers on it, pairing it with a pair of black knee high boots. She curls her hair and puts it into a ponytail before doing my hair and then both of ours make up. When she's finished we head downstairs and Emma and my dad turn to say good morning but both stop in their tracks when they see me.
"You're going to school like that?" Dad asks.
"Yep, it's about time people at school knew who I was." I say with a smile.
"Well, you go and show them who's boss. I'll see you later for every single detail." Then he kisses my head and leaves for work, he always waits until I've come down and said good morning before leaving for work.
Emma just smirks at me and says "Boys will drool, so will girls. Have fun Oakley."
I just wink at her before me and Cass head down to the garage to pick which car to take. We decide on my matte black lamborghini and quickly climb in and drive to school, blaring music as we do.
With the blacked out windows it's perfect as we pull into the school car park, everyone stops to stare at the car all whispering and wondering who's going to get out.
I open the door and step out, shoe by shoe, locking it after Cass has got out and sashaying into school. On the way in a group of boys wolf whistle as I walk by and I smirk at them as they do.
another boy goes "Is that Oakley? Damn she's hot!" And I smile at him as I walk by.
Me and Cass walk into class and take our seats for double re, this is going to be torture.
After the excruciatingly long double period I walk into the canteen only for everyone to turn and stare at me. I spot Cass already at our table, silently sniggering. I walk past a group of boys with their mouths hanging wide open and I decide to be cheeky, "Close your mouths boys, don't want a fish to jump in."
Then I take my seat and everyone seems to go back to normal but with pretty much everyone sneaking glances at me.
Then half way through lunch the doors to the cafeteria burst open and Mia storms in with he goons behind me, looking so angry you could laugh. I swivel around on my seat to face her, my legs crossed and my arms casually resting on the table behind me.
"How dare you!" Mia says.
"How dare I what?" I say innocently batting my eyelids.
"How dare you show up like this! I bet you slept with someone to get that car, I bet it was easy for you too slut."
Beside me Cass tenses at Mia's choice of name for me.
"What did you call me Mia?"
"What? Didn't you hear me, I called you a slut. A dirty one at that." she says looking triumphant at what she thinks is her victory.
"You can't do that."
"Do what?"
"You can't call me a slut." I say.
"And why not slut?"
"Because then you'd have to call yourself a prostitute."
The cafeteria goes mad at this and I just smirk.
"Mia, you insist on bringing people down, but have you even looked at yourself? You wear so much makeup and tight fitting clothes all the time, flirting with all the boys and desperate to be popular. But do you know what I think? I think that you're just an insecure little girl who was spoilt by her daddy but then he left her so now she has trust issues and also withdrawal from all the attention so you strive to be popular but you go about it all the wrong ways. You're a bully Mia and an attention seeking one at that. So I suggest you go to counselling, I can recommend you some if you want?"
The cafeteria is silent but then Mia storms out followed by her minions who try and console her but she just shoves them away. I turn back around in my seat and go back to eating my lunch.
"That was badass." Micheal says from the other end of the table and people just nod in agreeance.
"Who knew Oakley could be so damn cold?"
But then someone shouts the word I never wanted to hear ever again "HERO!"
And my world stops.
But other people's worlds carry on and soon the entire cafeteria is chanting that one word. Cass knows and tries to get them to stop but they don't and I'm starting to lose my patience, and then it snaps all together.
"ENOUGH!" I scream and everyone stops.
"Enough." I say again weaker this time. Cass comes up to me and helps me out of the canteen, leaving everyone bewildered and silent.
I sit in the medical room for the rest of the day, drawing further and further into myself.

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