3. Red Cadillac

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      Everyone nearly trampled out the door like a stampede when the bell rang. Everyone except Lisa. She knew that if she waited about ten seconds before walking out of class, that her and Tommy would be close together in the hallway. Not that she had a chance with him, she did like to admire him. Even with that reputation of his, Lisa adored him with all of her heart. The timing was right, Tommy walked just a couple feet ahead of her. The state of ecstasy she was in was interrupted quickly when her friend Shelby and Oliver caught up with her. Shelby shook Lisa's shoulder fiercely with both hands,
"Knock out of it Liz! Notice how he didn't so much as glance at you? That's what us humans call, not giving a shit."
Oliver laughed as Lisa brushed off Shelby's hand,
"Yea yea, you guys can hate all you want but I'll talk to him if I am given the chance?" Lisa said.
Shelby and Oliver looked at each other and smiled. The three walked out of the school and onto the sidewalk together towards Lisa's car that her parents had just gotten her a month prior. Oliver said his goodbyes to the two and started his way home. Lisa went to get in her car when Shelby grabber her arm,
"There is a chance."
"What?" Lisa questioned.
"There's a chance for you to talk to Tommy since you want to so bad," Shelby continued to explain herself with Lisa making a confused face, "There's a party tonight at Lee Stanford's house. You've never been to a party and everyone's going, you should come."
Lisa stomach dropped. She always liked the idea of talking to Tommy but now the thought of it actually happening made her a nervous wreck.
She smiled.
"You bet."
Shelby laughed in excitement and started to walk away,
"It's gonna be great!" She yelled.
Blush filled Lisa's cheeks as she opened her car door and got in. It was gonna be great, she had to reassure herself of that. "Think positive. Think positive." She told herself driving. And she did think positive, too positive. Positive enough for her to slip into another daydream. Too deep in thought to see the red Cadillac stopped in front of her. She rear-ended it. The only thoughts crossing her mind at the moment was that her parents were legitimately gonna murder her. She got out of the car and walked up the the 59' Cadillac. Once to the drivers window she knocked on it. The window was dark, but not dark enough to where you couldn't see what was on the other side. Lisa, confused at no response, pressed her face up against the glass. And what she saw on the other side was a man staring straight back at her. The man had glasses and a clean shaven face from what Lisa could see. Unsettled by the situation, she got back in the car and drove away. Looking in her side mirrors, the man still hadn't moved his car. Lisa tried to forget about it. No damage, no incident.

The room shook as Lisa blasted her favorite song while getting dressed. It being "Gloria," by Them of course. All the negative thoughts from before were swept away in the wind like leaves in the fall. The surprised feeling she had from her parents allowing her to go in the first place was enough to satisfy her. After playing her song on repeat for about a hour, Lisa was finally ready. Trying not to get hopes up was difficult, but manageable. Manageable considering Tommy's reputation to leave girls in the dust kept crossing her mind. Lisa took a deep breath in the mirror before saying goodbye to her parents and heading out.
It was packed at the party, Lisa contemplated if she even belonged there. Did anyone belong there? She met up with Shelby and Oliver in the huge crowd and talked with them. Her curious eyes glancing around the room for Tommy the entire time, of course. After being there for about a hour, her friends finally helped her build up enough courage to go find and talk to him. The crowd was a claustrophobic nightmare, but with some heavy searching, Tommy was found with a group of guys drinking straight whiskey. The group laughed with one another as Lisa made her way up to him. She took a deep breath before tapping his shoulder. He turned quickly, the stench of alcohol following.
"Hey Tommy, I'm Lisa."
Tommy smiled,
"Hi Lisa?"
Lisa blushed and continued,
"I've seen you around school and was wondering if you would want to go out to eat sometime."
There was no answer for a couple of seconds as Tommy just stared at her. Then he began to laugh hysterically. Finally able to speak he said,
"I don't even know you kid!"
That was enough for Lisa to know she was the biggest idiot on the face of the planet. Her smile went away quickly, she turned in embarrassment and headed for the door. Tears ran down her face as she made her way towards her car. Shelby was following her quickly trying to catch up.
"Lisa wait! It was stupid of us to tell you to talk to him! He doesn't deserve you anyway, he's probably got herpes anyway!"
Lisa was stopped as Shelby grabbed her arm.
"Wha-" she was able to get out before Shelby kissed her.
Lisa pulled away and wiped her mouth.
"What the fuck!" She said, "What was that?"
Shelby couldn't speak for she was just as shocked as Lisa,
"I- I- don't,"
The tires screeched on the road as Lisa quickly drove away. Too much had just happened for her to comprehend. Her car stopped at a red light as she sat thinking. She went to that party just to get turned down by the boy she thought liked her, only to find out her life long friend apparently did. Lisa has never heard of it. A girl liking a girl was something that never ran across her mind. The glare of lights in the rear view mirror shone brightly. They came closer and closer, seemingly not slowing down at all. The car approached closer and closer till it was too late to move. The car rear ended Lisa's with such force it threw her neck back. She screamed in shock. Looking in the mirror, a red Cadillac could be seen. Not only that, a man stepping out of it and making his way towards the door could be seen. She quickly reacted and speed away as he was right outside the door. Panic fueled her body as she speed down the dark highway. No cars in sight to help her. It wasn't long before he caught back up with her. His vehicle seemed to be less than one foot away from hers. Not knowing what else to do, Lisa quickly turned into a side road. She looked back and saw that the Cadillac hadn't followed her down that road. A breathe of relief was released just before she looked back to the road and saw her car speeding towards a tree. Even stomping on her breaks didn't stop it. The car collided with the tree with great force. Lisa's head hit the steering wheel. Her conscious was a blur. Her forehead leaked blood. Carefully, she stepped out of the car and made her way towards the front to see the damage. There was no more driving this thing. She held her arms trying to comfort herself, but that comfort was pulled away as headlights could be seen coming down the road. From the car, the song "Gloria" was echoing in the night sky. Lisa cried as she limped away. There were no houses, nobody else on this lonely road except the two of them. The car caught up with her and stopped. The sound of the car door opening then shutting was heard from behind her as she tried to run. Fast moving footsteps closed in on her, until it got to her. Lisa screamed into the night sky, awaking birds from their sleep. There was a struggle, no one knows how much of a struggle. Lisa's car was found the next morning by an elderly couple on their way to church. Nothing sinister had ever happened in that town, and nothing sinister has happened ever since.

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