Chapter 6 A Precarious Situation

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Thea trudged through the snow angrily. Erich's head bounced slightly against her breast with every step she took.

This was not what she had planned on.

She had waited till Ian had left and then scrambled to pack all of the things she would need to get by with Erich until they came to a town that she felt safe in.

And when she went outside to place her belongings on her horse...she found the noble stead had been taken by that insufferable and arrogant man!

That bastard.

Because of this new inconvenience, her so called grand plan had to be changed...

She had taken another route back into the village in hopes of getting there faster, and was hoping that Ian would find it difficult to remember where her cottage was.

She was also hoping that whenever he found her...he would leave well enough alone.


Ian had wasted no time in getting back to the fort. When he threw the doors open to his keep, he immediately summoned Angus.

"My Laird, I am glad ta have ye back!" he bellowed, his eyes smiling and placing his strong arms on his Lairds shoulders.

Ian nodded in thanks.

"Aye," he answered. "I need ye ta assemble three of yer fastest men. Have them saddle their horses and also two more."

"Ian," came a voice not heard from in some time.

Ian turned to see his father standing in the archway of one of the halls at the top of the stairs. He slowly walked down the stairs, drawing his sword half way towards Ian.

"We will bring mo' than three ta avenge yer-"

"Nay, father!" he called up. "We are no' goin' after them yet."

Alaisdair's face twisted into an angry frown.

"What do ye intend ta do then, son?"

"Retrieve Lady McKellan."


Thea had reached the outskirts of the village and was about to take a step towards the largest home, when an shrewish voice began calling out to her.


Thea stood straight and tall, refusing to turn and acknowledge the woman.


Thea flinched, and then suddenly turned when she heard a male voice reprimanding the woman.

"Wha' have I said, MaryBelle?" he demanded. The man stood at just under six feet, with a large beard and generous gut. Thea couldn't help the smile that came to her face.

Good old, Gavin.

He was one of the woodsmen of the clan and was one of the nicest people she had ever met in her whole life. He had been nice enough to supply her with wood since she first arrived at the McKellan clan. Unfortunately, Gavin's wife didn't hold the same feelings as her husband..

"She'll bring the Laird down on our heads, you idiot!" she screamed.

"Naw, MaryBelle-"

"What did you say?" Thea said, rushing up to the woman. "What about the Laird?"

MaryBelle turned her wrinkled face towards her.

"I was standin' right oer' there!" she yelled, pointing to the town square, "a little while ago and the Laird rode up wif a few soldiers. They lookin' fer you!"

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