New Family -Helan

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My mom was getting me a pet human for my 12th birthday and she said i have to take care of them.
So we went to the local pet shop and this nice lady came up to me and asked if their is a pet i want and i said a human. The lady took me to the back were they keept all the humans. There were domestic ones and feral ones. I went up to the feral ones and i saw one i liked or should i say 2. Moooomy  i want this one i said. My mom came up to the cage and took a look and she agreed to buy me the human boy and girl. We left to fill out paper work. Came back to get my human pet. For some reason they calmed down when they saw me.
When i got them i left to go buy a few things that ill need for them like food and a bed and some toys and cloths. By the way my family is rich. We own the worlds most succesful tech company. So that means i can spend alot of time at home since my dad hires a tutor to teach me. OH YEA I almost forgot to mantion that i read online that some humans can speak and understand our language. I cant wait to see if they can understand me and maybe they will see me as a perent figure

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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Human Pet Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang