The Poker Player

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Annabeth POV

As the seven, Clarisse, the Stolls, and I strolled through the National Museum of Art, I thought about my family.

At first I thought that Thalia, Luke and I had bad lives.

Then I learned about Gabe Ugliano abusing my boyfriend, Percy.

I had been horrified.

The seven and I decided not to tell Percy about us knowing about his abuse.

When we reached the statues section, Percy started giggling softly.

As we reached the end of the isle, he was laughing outright.

"What so funny, Percy?" Travis asked.

Percy pointed to a statue that looked practically real.

With a gasp I looked at Percy.

He nodded. I started laughing loudly.

"Annabeth?" Piper asked, rather confused.

"Th-that's my ex-stepfather, look at the name of the maker!" Percy said, still laughing.

"Oh my gods!" Clarisse snorted.

The others looked on in confusion, minus the Stolls.

"How did he end up like this?" Piper asked, still looking confused.

"Medusa!" I said, still giggling.

They looked shocked for a second before laughing as well.

In the end they were all kicked out of the museum.

And that is how they saw/met Gabe Ugliano,a.k.a. The Poker Player.

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