The Aunts

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The next morning, I joined my deltas, Surt, and Minty for breakfast in one of the many nooks and luxurious extra rooms in the Den.

Kaia poured a pot of black coffee for me, while Minty took pride in adding various sweeteners and creamers, to the point that I wondered why she even started with coffee to begin with.

"Did you and Huron have a nice date?" Surt avoided my gaze as she asked, instead focusing on the bit of bacon she was tearing away from the rest of the strip.

"I am not talking about this with you," I snapped. "He's your brother!"

"That well, huh?" Minty raised her eyebrows coyly.

"I wouldn't say that." I stabbed my own bacon viciously with the golden fork.

"Did anything happen?" Minty's eyes were wide and confused.

"Fire Lake is beautiful." There was so much that I couldn't tell them, about Amas Nox, about the way Huron treated me for that suggestion earlier.

It had reminded me that I was dealing with a wolf, not a man, as much as Huron had tried to make me think otherwise.

There was a knock on the breakfast nook door, however, before Minty or Surt could ask any further questions.

"I'll get it," Freya murmured as she rose from her chair.

She opened the door just a crack, and spoke too quietly with whoever was on the other side for the rest of us to hear.

Or perhaps just me— I didn't have the enhanced werewolf senses, after all.

Freya then turned to look at me, practically bouncing with excitement.

"Luna-Heir Lenora, there are visitors for you!"

I got to my feet immediately, feeling the bubble skirt I'd been given fall into place around me. Tala did not move, merely looking up from her steaming mug of coffee imperiously.

"What visitors, pray tell?"

"The Epsilons say that Delta D'Anaconia summoned them." Freya stopped bouncing and frowned. "Two older women, they said."

The Aunts! I straightened my back. "Please take me to them. I haven't seen Aunt Sabrina or Aunt Regina since the Mating Ball!"

"Your aunts?" Kaia asked.

"The ones who took me in after Dad died," I said, my voice dropping off as soon as I realized I'd spoken about my father to the people who would appreciate it the least. I schooled my features. "Take me to them."

Freya opened the door further, revealing the Epsilons that would do just that. Still, my heart picked up the speed a little at the sight of the forest green uniform.


Epsilons- right below the Delta class, they serve as guards and protectors of the back, and train extensively.


The Epsilons led me into a building I had not seen before in the Den, closer to the gates. I was then escorted inside, to a room that reminded me of a reception office, but with a less clinical feeling.

It was done-up to look rustic, to be the homey sort of place that this world could never be. There were striped blankets draped over pine-green couches with equally-piney wooden frames holding them up, and furniture that appeared to be hand-carved and hand-polished, as if this were in a cabin in the woods rather than a manor in the mountains.


"Aunt Sabrina!" I couldn't help but grin as I stretched my arms as wide as Aunt Sabrina's heart, hugging her, while Aunt Regina lingered. They were day and night in the way they expressed themselves. They looked alike, just as my mother did, with dark hair and green eyes.

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