The Opal Deception DECODED

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Hey, decoding this one was so fun, I got it finished in 15 mins! (probably because it was kinda short) . But yeah, um, yeah.

A recruitment letter from the centaur Foaly technical consultant to the Lower Elements Police. Trusted ally, if you have decoded this gnommish message than you are a deputy officer in the Lower Elements Police. You will not be aware of this fact because it is the practice of the LEP to mindwipe our human allies. We do this so they cannot remember being recruited. If you cannot remember the fairy people or our underground city, then you cannot betray our existence to the greedy humans. Of course not all humans are greedy. You, deputy, are a noble member of your species. And clever too. We only recruit the best. Our intelligence department studies your file and concluded that you were suitable for LEP membership. At the moment, you are only a deputy officer. To become a fully fledged officer, you must complete four tasks. Number One: Decode this message. Something you are well on your way to completing. Number Two: Save the life of another species. You can complete this task in any number of ways. Open a window to release a trapped fly. Build a bird table in your front garden. Release a mouse from  a trap. Number Three: Achieve a perfect score in a school test or homework assignment. In this job you need to be smart as well as fit. Number Four: Wash yourself everyday for a week. This is a difficult assignment especially for human boys who do not like contact with water. If you are going to work underground often in cramped tunnels, you will appreciate a partner who does not smell like a hermit dwarf. Once you have completed these tasks, you must summon your recruiting officer in ancient fashion. Go to your back garden or nearest green area. Make sure you are not being watched. Find a soft spot in the ground and burrow a sixteen centimetre hole with a broom handle or short stick. When your hole is ready, tap out the letters L E P in horse code [lol horse code and Morse code lol] .  The code for L E P is as follows- L: tap, tap, wiggle tap, E: wiggle, wiggle, tap, P: tap, wiggle, drill. Do this at least a hundred times and our underground sensors will pick up the vibrations and send an LEP officer with your uniform and orders. Good Luck deputy. Foaly.

And that repeats like, four times or something, I forgot. Its so cool and interesting! I'm an lep officer- according to eoin colfer, Kay..

so um, vote and comment what you think༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

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