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"The baby is coming! The baby is coming!"

"Wait, what?" Zac pokes his head up from the cookbook he's reading as soon as I announce it from the top of my lungs. "Like, now?" His eyes widen.

"Yes, now! When else?" I shake my head at him, grabbing the keys to my car.

He quickly pushes the stool back and grabs his belongings as well. He was already dressed and was merely waiting for me to be ready. We were supposed to go on a picnic date he planned, but clearly Cass' baby has different plans.

"Well, such great timing." He dares to comment as he leads us to his car instead. I make no arguments. The car don't matter as long as it takes us to our destination.

"Yeah," I agree. "She's three weeks early from her EDD. Seems like your nephew just can't wait." I grin, dying to meet the new Gray addition.

Everyone arrived promptly and waited in Cass' private suite while she and Carson are in the delivery ward.

Drew came alone as usual; still yet to settle down with anyone. Although his reason is simply because he has too many of a choice to pick from. Who wouldn't want a bit of our famous soccer player? He already has a dedicated fanclub online with nearly a million followers.

"How long will this be again?" Drew asks, rudely lying on Cass' hospital bed in her absence.

"That depends how long the little one takes to come out of her vajayjay." I laugh.

Wayne saunters in with Ally in tow, both of them with coffee cups in hand. I'd have to say I was immensely proud of my brother for being determined enough to woo the love of his life back. It surely wasn't easy for them as Ally needed a lot more than just words; but they made it through regardless and had already moved in to live together.

"Is it me or do you have a baby bump?" I gasp, pointing at Ally's slightly protuding belly.

Ally's eyes widen, glaring at me from across the room. "Owens!" She yells incredulously, using her free hand to hide her stomach.

Wayne chuckles, pulling her in by her shoulders. "Not that you need to know, Kel, but I'm confident with my pull out skills."

Drew and Zac both stifle a laugh.

"Do you blame me? Haven't seen either of you for three weeks and here she is with a belly." I say, wiggling my brows suggestively at Ally whose cheeks are flushed.

Ever since Ally moved in to Wayne's house, he made her quit her waitressing job at the Pizzeria. His boxing school thrived and he'd shifted operations to a much bigger space. Ally occasionally helps out with his work administrative wise; but she's mostly a stay-home girlfriend now.

"I feed her good." Wayne smirks, ignoring the daggers Ally shoot him.

"I've just been really bored and hungry. I mean, what else do you do other than eat?" Ally sighs. "Then again, this bloat is getting a little ridiculous. I'm not pregnant, am I?" She glances to Wayne.

"Mini Wayne. I can picture that." Drew teases.

Wayne merely rolls his eyes. "Pretty sure you're not. But if you're scared, we are at the hospital now. We can always book an appointment if you want." He rubs on Ally's shoulder lovingly.

The inner me battles between wanting to swoon at how my brother's evolved and wanting to puke at the same time.

Just then, two nurses wheel in Cass while Carson pushes the infant crib along.

"Well, that's fast." Drew hurriedly hops down the bed so Cass can rest.

All of us quickly crowd around the little prince, cooing at how adorable he looks. He has hair as thick and dark as Carson's and a cute little button nose.

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