What's going on?

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Gabe tied on the blue apron that his dad always had him wear for work and put on some rubber gloves. The gloves were mandatory unless Gabe wanted his dad's shop to get closed down due to a health and safety code violation. He changed the shop sign from closed to open and walked back behind the counter. Hopefully Sam would come. He could right? Right? He was full of anticipation to find out whether the moose was going to show up. A few people came in the shop with their kids, and Gabe served them. It was always something chocolate when people had kids with them. Every time someone came in the door, Gabe got his hopes up and was always disappointed because it was never Sam. He even stayed behind the counter a few minutes after his break was supposed to start, but Sam still didn't come. He sighed and took off his gloves, turning to go to the break room 'I give up on waiting' he thought.

Just as he was about to step inside the break room, Moose came in the door and Gabe let the largest smile cross his face. He quickly slipped back on his gloves and walked over to the counter "what'll it be, Samwich?" He asked, using the nickname he had thought of himself.

Sam rolled his eyes and looked at what they had, and what was on the menu. "I'm not much of a junk food eater.." He admitted.

Gabe smiled "well I'll help you out then! If you want my opinion, you should try the peanut butter cups. Cliché, yeah, I know. But they're good and they're super cheap!"

"I'll take that then." Sam nodded. Gabe opened the glass of the counter and grabbed five of the small peanut butter cups and put them in a bag, handing them back to Sam. "You know what? You can have 'em on the house Samsquatch." He smirked slyly at him.

Sam looked down at the bag and then back up at Gabriel, "n-no I couldn't possibly--"

"Don't worry about it! Just hurry outta here before my dad notices." He whispered the last part and Sam nodded, giving Gabriel a quiet thank you before hurrying out the shop. Why did Gabriel give him the candy? He could've payed for it himself, plus he did say it was cheap so...

Sam was extremely confused. First the boy shows him around the school, gives him that 'I don't bite hard' comment, invites him to the candy store, and then gives him free candy?

What was going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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