Egg Contest

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Hey guys! Just like I said earlier, I am hosting another contest! This one you just have to put a male and female name for the egg and a backstory. Post it in the comments and when the time is up I will announce the winners. Yes, I said winners, there are two eggs to compete for. All you have to do is put egg one or egg two write a male and female name and then create a backstory to go along with it. After sending it to me in the comments, you just have to wait until the contest is up. Without further ado, here are the eggs!

 Without further ado, here are the eggs!

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The contest ends on August 11th. Enjoy creating your backstories. The winners will get a free headshot drawing of the dragon they won and all rights will be given to them.
As a side note, the new story I will be posting, The Daughter of Artemis, needs a cover! Please send me any covers you guys create. I would like tho cover to be fan-made. It is a fan fiction off of the Percy Jackson books. I will not be posting the prologue and cast until I have at least one cover submission that I can use. The sooner I get a cover submission the sooner I can post the new story. Have fun! See y'all later!

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