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"Are you worry about ?"

"You mean am I worried about me ? " he asked

"No ! I mean are you worried that Gerard & I talked about you ?

"Gerard talks a lot. I just hope he didn't say too much things about me"

"No he didn't as I told you. But why ?"

"Because I don't really like that people knows things about me. Also if they don't know me."

"It's ok. I feel the same with my mom. She always want to tell all the world what I did but the most of the time she's wrong. Then I realise she doesn't know me because she's wrong"

He stooped walking as I did the same. I don't know why I tell him about that.

Even if he looks shy , he seems like a sweet guy just like he's brother. And he listens me. I  trust him already.

"Then tell it yourself" he simply replied.

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