Mother Knows Best

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"You will go. You will find the Fairy Godmother. And you will bring me back her magic wand," my mother snarled.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek. There had to be a way to convince her that this was a bad idea without just telling her that we didn't want to go.

"The wand is pointless on the Isle. I don't see why you'd even want it."

She glared down at me from her throne. "It will work. After you break the barrier from Auradon."

I felt my stomach drop. This was worse than I thought. This required too much responsibility on my end. Too much pressure. It was all too much.

She must have seen my unease, because she beckoned me closer. "Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?"

"Well, yeah," I chuckled. "I mean, who doesn't?"

"Well then, get me the wand!" she demanded before I had even finished. "With that wand and my septor, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!"

"Our will," the Evil Queen added.

I could see my mother's face drop in frustration, but she didn't argue. "Our will," she corrected herself. She had to put on a good face. If I knew my mother, she would just as soon get rid of her supposed "friends" and their children to seize power for herself.

She turned her stare back on me. "And if you refuse... you're dead."

I widened my eyes. "What? Mom-"

But she snapped her fingers in front of my face and silenced me. I shouldn't have been surprised. She would do absolutely anything to get what she wanted, but was death just a threat? I was her last remaining child...

She leaned down to me and in a flash, her eyes had lit up with a sickly, emerald color.

My eyes reciprocated before I could stop them, caught in an intense staring contest with my mother. I was bound to lose. Her powers of persuasion were too strong, but I really didn't want to do this. I didn't want to put my friends through something like this, when I knew they would get nothing in return.

My throat closed up. I was afraid. If I won this, she could simply kill me. Send me out back and have one of her guards crush my skull under his feet. I knew she wouldn't even kill me herself.

"Fine," I muttered, looking at the floor. I couldn't let her see my face right now. It was too hard to veil my disappointment.

"I win," she gloated.

There was a moment of tense silence. I don't think anyone in the room had ever heard my mother threaten me with so much, especially not my friends, and they weren't sure how to respond.

Most of the villains actually cared quite deeply for their kids. This did nothing to make them good parents, but they wouldn't murder their children for disobediance. But Maleficent... she didn't have a heart. She wasn't just evil, she was unstoppable. And it terrified me.

"Evie!" the Evil Queen called behind me. Evie started to bounce over to her mother, as she continued, "My little evillette in training. You must find yourself a prince with a big castle."

Evie's face lit up. She worshipped her mother and her mother's ideology. All Evie could have ever wanted from life was to sit on a throne, surrounded by servants, and riches, and reassurance that she was beautiful.

She giggled in excitement, but her mother shut her down immediately. "No laughing! Wrinkles!"

"Well, they're not taking my Carlos, because I'd miss him too much," Cruella cooed.

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