~ toffee ~

56 13 10

my soul is diamond,
a tempered glass.
my skin is toffee,
a society-made impasse.

my heart is fiery,
burning determination.
my mind is open,
cultivating creation.

my eyes, big and brown,
are windows to my soul.
they show the pain i've felt
and can inflict tenfold.

my mouth riddles,
telling stories from finish to start.
my skin is my life's canvas,
and i am my own art.

my confidence varies,
it's a lifelong project.
my actions are polar
in cause and effect.

with my ears, i listen,
i take it all in.
i release positivity,
taking your negativity in.

my heart is gold,
i'll suck in your pain.
but i feel it at night,
i cry in vain.

when i see myself,
i have bad thoughts.
but i'm trying to change,
because i suffer, all for naught.

so i focus on my soul,
a tempered glass.
my mind is mine,
my own impasse.

society use to convince me,
make me doubt my own worth.
but my skin is brown as toffee,
the beautiful color of earth.

i will have pride in myself
to spite all that's brought me down.
i'll force myself to float,
when depression tells me to drown.

my soul is diamond,
a tempered glass.
and my skin is toffee,
more beautiful than i could've ever asked.

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