The proposal

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Here's to my first story (sorry if it is terrible!😁) keep in mind that shawn just proposed to Juliet and they are now chasing after the person who stole the ring.💍















Juliet's POV

As we were driving I was trying to figure out what just happened. Everything seemed to happen so fast, one moment I said yes to marrying shawn and the next we were chasing the guy who stole my engagement ring.

We finally caught up to the guy and I jumped out of the car and pulled out my gun. "Get out of the car and hand over the ring!" I commanded.

The guy slowly got out of the car and I assumed position just incase he had a gun. "Shawn grab the ring." "Okay sweetie." replied.

He grabbed the ring and placed it back in the box. Just as I was hand cuffing the guy a police car came a took him away. Shawn came up to me and slid the ring on to my finger. "Here you go baby, I love you." "Thank you so much Shawn I love you to very very much," I replied. Then we kissed on the lips.

Shawn's POV

I was so glad to have Juliet in my life and I am so glad that we got the ring back.

"So Jules what do you want to do today?"

"Well Shawn since you and Gus are both new to San Fransisco I shall give you a tour," replied Jules.

Gus pulled me over and said "Shawn I don't have a job any more, and when I don't have a job we both don't have money. Shawn what am I going to do?"

I replied with "That's a tough one buddy you'll probably find a job some how, how about you go look for a job tonight then I can have some alone time withy my new fiancé."

*motioning the do it symbol

"Alright I see how it is I'll leave you and Juliet for some alone time." says Gus

"Thanks man your the best!"

I walk back to Juliet and and kiss her on the lips.

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