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On your tippy toes, you reached for the sky, more specifically, for a small box. A box of pre-packaged brownies, they are your favourite, sadly, it's someone else's too. He always puts it back on a shelf out of your reach, being inconsiderate of your height. It was no use, you pout in defeat and relax your stance.

As you were about to walk away, you feel two strong hands grip your waist and swiftly lift you upwards as if you were a small infant.

"H-Hey!" You stutter, embarrassed that your boyfriend picked you up with such ease.

"It isn't my fault you're so short" The tall, toned man set you onto his bare shoulders and grasped onto your legs for support. You huff and yank the box off the shelf, "You could of just got it for me..!"
Galacta places his hands under your armpits and lifts you off of his shoulders and gently onto the tile kitchen floor. "Then it wouldn't be as fun.." he chuckled softly. "Yeah yeah..." you look down into your box of goodies and only to see that it is empty!
"What the-!" You whip your head to up, Gala holds the last brownie in front of you, menacingly.
"Hey! I had it first!" You scurry over and make an attempt to steal it back from him, and fail repeatedly. You tried to pull down his sweatpants as a distraction, however he simply held you back by your head.
"It's going to cost you."
"No!!! I saw it first!"
"I grabbed it first."
You stop pushing and fighting and huff, putting your hands on your hips.
"Come down to MY level..!" You order.
The pink haired knight obediently yet hesitantly bent down to your level, it's a little hard on his back. He usually lifts you up to HIS level.
You place a kiss on his neck, he had always kept his face hidden by his mask, maybe one day he'll feel comfortable to take it off around you.
You snatch the treat out of his hand and scramble to the couch like a gremlin, tearing off the wrapper.
Before you could take a bite, a hand comes down and rips off half.
"Sharing is caring, ______"
"I hate you!"
He laughs softly, you watch him walk away and up the stairs to the higher level of Nova's mansion-like house.

You look back at your brownie.

"Oh who am I kiddin-" you throw your treat and in a sprint, head to the room you two share.

You had gotten something even sweeter that night.

oop- I'm really bad a writing hhh I hope I'll get better :')
Feel free to request scenarios ówò

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