Chapter Twelve: Demi-God Dreams are Scary

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He didn't quite want to, but at some point during the night, Percy had to wake Tyson for his shift of night watch. Which he happily did. The guy sure was enthusiastic, Percy couldn't help but smile at him. Whatever the case, he took his spot on one of the main beds, and soon enough; faster then usual even, the boy drifted off to sleep.

Percy sat atop the ocean.
Which wasn't too far fetched, the water was always very calming for him. However, it seemed today that the ocean didn't want to feel calm for him. A storm brewed above head, and water droplets had already begun to drop upon his shoulders. What was odd to him was, his upper half wasn't wet, yet the parts of him that touched the ocean was. It was if he had no control over it, which was definitely weird, considering he was more at home at the ocean then many other places he could name. For a moment he was confused, but then he felt it. Or rather, felt him. He could feel him, pulsating his power upward from the sea floor. Percy could tell that the waves were meant to feel comfortable and warm, but he knew that it held a second meaning. It showed that Poseidon was the one in control here, and he'd do well to remember that. After a second of breathing and counting to ten, Percy muttered his name:

After a few moments, the voice of his father responded, "Perseus." His voice was immense, overpowering. It felt as if his father was millions of places at once, and talked in unison. Yet they also sounded distracted, as if even this wasn't their main purpose in existence.

"Am I not important enough to take physical form?"

"I have many responsibilities."

"Yeah, but I guess being a responsible father isn't one of them."

Poseidon sighed, and remained silent for a time. "No matter what your personal feelings for me may be, now is not the time-"

"When will be the time?!"

"You'd do well not to interrupt a God, boy."

Percy let out a grunt, but offered no further rebuttal.

"You are important, my son. More so then any other of my children to date. And there are numerous. There are forces at work that even I cannot begin to comprehend. Just-" The God faltered, as he tried to find the words. "There are things I mustn't say, and things you are not yet ready to hear. I cannot pretend that your path will be happy, nor can I say that it pleases me to put you upon it, yet place you upon it I must. I can't say much. I can only give you a warning, and hope. One day you may be given a choice, and that choice may just change everything. Or.. I'd rather not discuss the or. But, no matter what your choice may be, know that you are forever my child, a Son of the Sea God."

The Gods voice faded. Percy was left alone with his thoughts, and his growing storm.

Thalia was in a park.
A much nicer scene then she was used to, but something was definitely off. It smelled a little to unnatural, looked a little too nice. Oh, and of course, the complete, constantly transforming person beside her, who seemed to be making idle chatter. Thalia was still trying to get her bearings, but she could have sworn she heard: "and of course I raised him, but we weren't related! Have you heard about him? Literally the hottest mortal to ever live. You're welcome." Thalia shook her head to try to clear this drowsiness she was bombarded with. Who was this woman? Why did she did constantly change form? Was she some sort of demon?

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