Babysitting Kirika Pt.1 (Makoto)

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"You got lots of stuff in here." Makoto brought the young girl to his room since he had no other clue what to do with her. He loved being close to her normally and with her as a child he felt an even bigger desire to keep her close and protected. 

"Yes, I do. You can play with what you would like so long as you put it back where you found it." He sat down at his desk and raised his brush to work on a painting. He was content allowing the young girl to do whatever she wished. The Kirika he knew didn't get into trouble or pry into anything that didn't interest her. He still had no idea how she turned into a four year old but he found her adorable. The urge to dote on her was strong but he kept it reigned in. He had no idea how she would react to it. He felt content enough to just keep her close.

"Uh oh..." A soft voice was heard after the sound of something breaking. Jumping up from his desk, Makoto found Kirika standing my his shelf trying to hide something behind the hem of her new, smaller kimono. Her big lavender eyes were avoiding his sharp royal blue ones.

"Kirika?" The frail little girl seemed to cower under his stern gaze. "Kirika, look at me and tell me what happened."

Without saying a thing, she moved a little to the side to reveal the mess on the floor. Shattered crystal wine glasses he had been gifted by a Western business man he had given a painting to now covered the tatami mat floor. 

"How did this happen, Kirika?" The little girl weakly shrugged her shoulders, staring hard at her sock covered toes peeking out from under the hem of her kimono. "Did you break them?"

"No..." She quickly shook her head and finally looked up but not in his eyes. Wherever Makoto moved to try making her look at him, she managed to look in a completely different direction. 

"Are you telling me that it broke on its own?"

"Mhmm... I umm... I just found it like this..." 

"Don't lie to me, Kirika." 

The room was silent for a second before the unexpected happened. A soft whimper quickly and instantaneously turned into loud sobbing. Before she threw herself on the ground, Makoto caught her and picked her up to keep her from falling on the broken glass. He held her gently and softly stroked her hair. Her tears soaked into his shoulder and her sobbing filled the room. Makoto tried rocking her in his arms, stroking her back, humming, everything he had seen women do to comfort their own children but Kirika refused to be soothed. He hadn't thought he was being too stern with her. He had actually reigned it in since she was so young right now but it still seemed to be too much. 

If soothing was going to work then there was only one other way to stop a four year old from crying: a distraction. 

"Would you like to paint something?" He waited a moment for the crying to stop which happened quite abruptly.

"I can paint good! I'll make you the best picture!" As if the tears were already forgotten, Kirika began to squirm in Makoto's arms in an attempt to get to the painting faster. 

"I'm looking forward to it. Paint me the best picture anyone has ever seen." Moving his own paintings out of the way, the more amorous ones he put up high and far out of sight, and set out everything the little girl needed. He tried not to focus on how hard she was pressing his paintbrush into the paper as he began cleaning up the mess she made. He wasn't too bothered by the broken wine glasses. He had been more worried about Kirika hurting herself and reacted without thinking. He was just glad to see her smiling again. He thought she was adorable as a child, her every emotion showing on her face and in her voice, but he still favored how she normally was. Her rare gentle smiles were something he treasured and did his best to earn. 

"You gotta stay still!" Her tiny voice called out to him, making him look up at her. An adorable look of pure focus was plastered on her face, her forehead scrunched up and lips pursed. 

Makoto couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Is it me you're painting?"

"Uh huh! I'm gonna make you look handsome!" The small girl moved away from the desk with her short arms loaded with papers. 

"I'm flattered. Would you like me to sit or stand for the portrait?" He was doing his best not to smile too widely. Her excitement was too cute in his eyes. He was very glad that no one else was in the room with them to witness it for themselves. 

"You gotta stand up real tall, okay?"

"Alright, is this good?"

Kirika took a moment to look at the tall man with a tilted head before smiling.

"Now stay just like that!" 

Makoto watched the young girl with a soft gaze. He took in every aspect of her sitting on his floor, saving all of it to his memory. Her big eyes moving between him and her painting too fast to get a clear image, her tiny pink tongue poking out between her adorable red smile. Her long raven colored hair that went past her back. There were small curls in it that she didn't have at her normal age. Her cheeks were adorably round and tinged with a happy pink color. She was always short but now he knew just how tiny she was as a child. At four years old, the tiny cute child barely came up to his waist. It made her seem so fragile and delicate. 

"We might need more paper..." Kirika was sitting in front of her masterpiece now with slumped shoulders. 

"Are you making it life-sized?" Moving from his spot, Makoto easily looked over the young girl to see what she was doing and wasn't ready for what he saw. She did indeed make a full bodied painting of him, a thick outline of his body with lines across it that he assumed were for his kimono. That took up two full papers. On the other six there was only a huge number of lines that Kirika made with dark blue paint. "What... are those other pages?"

"Your hair, silly! Its so long that I need like a hundred pages to get it all!" She didn't even look up and continued adding more hair. 

Makoto made a confused noise and tried not to laugh out loud in order to not insult the little girl. He loved the portrait. He was already planning out where to put it in his room. He wanted to be able to see all of it, no matter how much hair she added. 

And so that's how their time together went. While waiting for Asagi to figure out what happened, Kirika and Makoto spent the entire day inside painting. He would add another piece of paper at the end of her trail of hair whenever she needed it and worked on his own portrait of her in the meantime. It was a pure and happy time for the pair. Makoto hoped that if he was lucky enough to eventually call Kirika his, that they would have an adorable little girl just like her. He would settle for the little one right now while eagerly waiting to see her true self once again.

((Let me know how you like this mini story! Let me know who you want to be involved in next parts! You can also request paired up people like Ukyo and Eduard, Yuzuki and Shintaro, Makoto and Toru, the entire Shadow Vigilante group, whoever you want! Hope you like it so far!))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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