Autumn Leaves ~ Chapter Five

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Chapter Five | Let's get back together

The following day, I find Lucas sitting at the breakfast table, coffee in hand.

"Morning, Lucas," I said.

"Good morning, Autumn. You look well-rested." He said, smirking.

"Hush up," I said as I take a seat next to him.

Lucas put a plate in front of me and poured me a cup of orange juice.

"Eat up, and we have to go pick up, Makeda, so that we can have a family day," Lucas said.

"Family day?" I asked.

Lucas nodded.

"Yup, we're going to spend the day together," He answered, "and hoped forever," Lucas muttered.

I raised an eyebrow.

"I hope you don't think after this date that we're going to get back together. I don't know if I can..." I was about to say, but Lucas interrupted me.

"That date last night proved that there is still a spark between us, and I want us to be together." He said.

I sighed.

"Lucas, I don't know. You left Makeda and me in L.A. that was the end of us. You want to stay here, but I don't. There may be a spark still, but I won't act on it because my life isn't here, and it will never be." I said.

Lucas stood up and leaned over to me, putting his hand under my chin, lifting my head to look at him.

"I love you, Autumn, and I will fight for us." He said.





"Momma, look at this," Summer said, releases her to point sternly at the magazine on the kitchen table. "Autumn is on the cover of Forbes!" She exclaimed.

"Since when do you buy Forbes, Summer?" Her father asked.

"Since Autumn is on the cover, and they're claiming that she is the highest-paid woman of the year. Get this; she's worth $285 million." Summer answered bitterly.

"Well, she's worked hard for her money." Her father said.

"She's made that much just off of singing...that's amazing." Her mother said as she reads the magazine.

Summer scoffed.

"She's never once helped this family with all that money she has." Summer said.

Her father rolled his eyes.

"It's not her responsibility, and we can do for ourselves, Summer, stop being bitter." Her father said.

Summer rolled her eyes.

"It is not fair. Max and I are struggling to pay for this wedding, and my sister won't even give us a handout." Summer said.

"You should get a job then. It is not Autumn's responsibility to ensure you have a wedding." Her mother said.

"You wanted to marry Max; then you better figure it out." Her father said.






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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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