Chapter 1: Dear Anastasia

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Dear Anastasia

By order of her Royal Majesty; Queen Elizabeth II, you have been summoned back to the United Kingdom.
You shall resume your former position with the Hellsing Organisation.

Please find enclosed your tickets.

On behalf of Sir Integra Hellsing, thank you.

Kindest Regards

Walter C. Dornez

"Well, well, how exciting, something seems to be going on back home" Anastasia smiled coyly.

For the last 50 years, Anastasia had been working under the US Government, assisting in the protection of the president as of when needed.

With the same expression of amusement, Ana misted to the upper floor of the White House. Gently she drifted through the halls, past the secret service and right up to the Oval office.


Suddenly two armed guards came running through the door into the office, guns held at the ready.

"Mr President what happened?!" one guard called out, looking around the room.

The president was sitting at his desk with his hand over his heart, panting.

"N...nothing, it's just Anastasia" he gasped, motioning his hand to the right of the room.

The guards nodded and backed down, then proceeded to leave the room as such.

"Jumpy aren't we Mr President" Ana playfully teased.

She then made her way across the room and sat on one of the sofas.

"Well, you did appear out of nowhere, anyway, did you want something?" he responded, while adjusting his tie.

Ana then flung over the letter, so it landed on his desk.

"In short, I resign, I'm needed back in London" she explained.

The president skimmed the letter and sighed.

"I see, very well, thank you for your years of service to the States" he graciously expressed.

The two shook hands and Ana returned to her chamber to pack for London.

"Hope you've been waiting for me Alucard" she whispered to herself. 

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