Chapter 8

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Matt slowly woke up the next day and looked down to see Canada. He blushed remembering yesterday. Canada nuzzled his face into Matts chest. Matt blushed more.

'Holy fuck he is the cutest thing alive!!!' Matt stroked Canadas hair and looked away.

"Hmm..." Canada slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see blury colors. He reached for his glasses.

"Here." Matt handed Canada his glasses. Canada took them and put them on and looked at Matt and had a light blush.

"Thank you." Canada yawned. Matt smiled.

"Breakfast?" Canada nodded yes still tired. Matt sat up and got out of bed stretching. Canada sat up and moved his glasses up so they were on his head and he rubbed his eyes. Matt smiled and kisses Canadas head and walked out of the room. Canada blushed and put his glasses back on and walked downstairs not remembering he was wearing just Matts shirt.

Matt was in the kitchen and looked in his fridge.

"Hey...Matt." Canada said in his usual whisper voice.


"Wheres Kumajiro?"

"Kumawhatawhat?" He looked at Canada confused.

"My polar bear."

"Well he was getting pretty friendly with Kuma last night. They might be outside."

".......Ok...." Canada looked down. Matt walked over to Canada.

"Whats wrong?"

"....I...Its just I've only had Kumajiro for so long hes been there for me and I don't know....I just.....miss him..." Matt smile and ruffled Canadas hair and hugged him.

"Your not alone anymore." Matt smiled. Canada hugged Matt tight and sniffled. "W-wait dont cry!"

"I'm not crying." Canada smiled and slowly pulled away. "I'm just a little cold."

Matt had a light blush. "Well then you should put on his pants." Canada blushed a little.

"Right." Canada walked upstairs and Matt stared at his butt and smirked. Canada put on pants and his hoddie and walked back downstairs.

Matt smiled and looked in his fridge and grabbed the milk. Canada sat down at the table and looked out rhe window.

Matt put a bowl infront of Canada. "What kind of cereal do you want?"

"Oh I'm not realy hungry."

"Well no wonder your so skinny you have to eat." Matt grabbed huney nut cherios and poured it into canadas bowl and poured milk into it and went to grab two spoons.

"But I'm really not hungry." Matt poured cereal and milk into his bowl and put the milk away and sat down.

"I'm not letting you leave this table until you eat. Your too skiny. Eat." Matt started eating. Canada sighed and smiled a little an started eating.

They soon finished. Matt took the bowls to the sink. "Now was that so hard?"

"Yes yes it was." Matt chuckled and walked over to canada.

"You keep looking out the window. Whats wrong?....Do you wanna leave cause thats cool, I can ta-"

"No no thats not it....I'm Just worried for Kumajiro." Canada sighed.

Matt smiled and walked over to the door and opened it. "Kuma!! Come inside!" Matt walked back over to canada. "Give him a minute." A minute later kuma walked in with kumajiro right next to him. Canada smiled and walked over to kumajiro.

"Who are you?" Kumajiro asked tilting his head a little.

Canada sighed. "I'm Canada." Canada kissed Kumajiros head and stood up.

"Thats what I don't get. If he forgets who you are why do you love him so much? I get hes your pet but-"

"Hes not a pet. Hes my friend. no one ever notices me. I dont care that he forgets my name as long as he can see me im ok with it." Canada looked down. Matt hugged Canada.

"Hey its ok I get it." Matt stroked Canadas hair. Kuma looked at matt weird and nugged Matts leg. "what?" Matt looked at kuma. Kuma slowly walked away and kumajiro followed. Matt gently kissed Canadas head and pulled away. Canada hugged Matt again. Matt smiled and rubbed Canadas back.

'Hes so cute.' he thought "You ok?" Canada nodded yes but didn't pull away. Matt smiled and picked Canada up bridal style. Canada blushed furiously. Matt walked to the couch and sat down having Canada in his lap. Canada looked away. Matt had a light blush and put Canada on the couch and turned the tv on.

Canada gently bit his lip and scotted closer and rested his head on Matts shoulder, his heart pounding in his head. 'Oh my god oh my god!!' Matt smiled.

After watching tv for about ten minutes Matts phone went off. Matt goraned and grabbed his phone.

"Hello?" Matt then groaned and stood up. Canada looked at Matt. worried. "How'd you get this number?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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