Chapter four: Shes done. Searras POV

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I moved Olivia's dead body over behind the palm tree. Her pale face and dead blank eyes stared up at me. I shut her eyes and started a fire. The sun was slowly going down to the North as Waves crashed gently against the surface.

I dragged Olivia's body next to the fire by the log. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I whispered to my self. Olivia's hand caught fire and so did her arm. My heart sped up. Am I really doing this? She would be so disappointed in me. Would she ever forgive me? My stomach ached. My bony arms poked her with a stick.

I ripped her open. The meat. The skin. Delicious. Why am I doing this? My stomach growled and I suddenly remembered. "I have to stop." I threw her remains into the lake. "Wait! Meat.... Food..... Fish....." I thought. I ran into the water to retreat the body. "Why are you doing this to me, Searra?" She said. "But...." I shook my head and screamed.

I took a piece of meat on a stick and walked out into the ocean with it. I felt a small tap on my legs as something slithered across my legs. My stick got tugged. Tap. I grabbed the small, grey like fish as it took the meat off the stick. As I held the fish, I realized it wasn't any fish I've ever seen before. It's mouth opened. "AAAHH!" The fish wriggled out of my hand as I ran towards the palm tree. It's razor sharp teeth. I shook my hand as it bled. I picked my stick back up. Slowly, I ran to the struggling fish. "Sorry buddy." I said as I smashed the stick into the fish. Blood gushed out from the hole in its side.

I climbed up the palm tree with my fish. At the top, I could see the whole island. I bit into the raw, bloody fish. The sky was the brightest blue Ive ever seen. Not one cloud was in sight.

I awoke to an angry stomach and a thundering sky. I dropped from the tree. My cracked lips turned into a smile as rain fell all around me. Lightning struck the sky. I didn't care about anything around me but the delicious rain. "Olivia." I said. "OLIVIA! What are you doing? Why are you in the ocean?" I took a chunk of my fish from behind me to give to Olivia. But I turned back around and she wasn't there. "OLIVIA!!" Where did she go? I sat down and put the last piece of Olivia on the stick. I'm I hallucinating? My tung ran over my filthy teeth. A few chunks of fish still remained in my teeth. My stomach made a noise. Fish rose in the back of my throat. My stomach lurched and everything came back up, splattering onto the tree I'm sitting on. Fish came up like a volcano exploding. My crop top was covered in red and pink chunks. I climbed off the tree, and curled up into a ball and shivered myself to sleep.

A grey plane roared across the sky. "DOWN HERE!" I yelled desperately. The plane came towards the island. I smiled as I waved my arms in the dark, black sky. "Olivia! Come on! We're leaving!" Olivia ran next to me and cried of happiness. "We're gonna be okay after all." Olivia said. The plane landed on the sand. A shadow came out of the plane. I plugged my ears as the plane opened. A man, about thirty, came out slowly. "Over here!" We yelled. The man walked towards the tree. "Where's he going?" We asked. I ran in front of the man but he looked through me as if he don't see me. "Hello? Hello! Helloooooo?!?" I was so confused. She head whipped in Olivia's direction with confusion. I shook the mans shoulders. Why wasn't he feeling anything? The man walked back to the plane. I hit him with a stick in the head. "Dude! Turn around!" He picked up a water sample and walked back into the plane. As it closed, I banged at the door. "Let me in!" Tears stung my sticky cheeks. "LET ME IN!" I slammed my head into the plane. Olivia was gone. What's happening to me?

~ hi peyton:) thx for reading this if you are:) ill write again soooooooon:)

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