XVIII. A Better Wakanda

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Chapter Eighteen:

Walking through the hall of the palace, I feel so relieved to have my own room back again, to be back in these clothes. I have felt overwhelmed with happiness since we won Wakanda back. I celebrated our victory away from the others and down in Shuri's lab, with Bucky. God did I miss him. I wish I could tell him about our victory today, but I know I will get the chance to do so soon enough.

As I walk through the hall, I pass by Agent Ross, who is being escorted by two Dora Milaje. I stop next to Ross and smile at him. "Are you going back to America?"

He nods, smiling back at me. "Yes. I haven't contacted them in days and I need a plan on how to cover this whole deal up."

I take a deep breath and nod my head slowly. "Should I go pack my things?"

Ross looks at me with confusion.

"You said you would decide whether to bring me in or not. Have you decided?"

Ross takes a step forward and places his hand on my shoulder. "Your brother explained some things to me. He made me see that you are the farthest thing from a threat. This was clear after what I saw you do for T'Challa and his people."

"Alex talked to you?"

Ross nods. "And everything he said he was right about. So no, I won't take you or him in. And...I can't promise you anything, but I will try to get your name off the wanted list. So then you can live the life you want without the government on your tail."

This was the greatest gift anyone could ever give me. I grab onto Ross's other hand and squeeze it between mine. "Thank you...Everett."

Ross smiles at me again, patting my shoulder. I nod at the Dora Milaje and they continue their walk down the hall, with Ross close behind.

Quickening my pace, I make it to the throne room. When I walk in I see the council members, Okoye, Shuri, Ramonda, M'Baku, Alex, and Khari all standing around, looking as relieved as I am to be back.

I walk up to my brother, watching as he leans down to whisper to me: "This is cool. I've never been in here before."

"I'm happy you agreed to help Khari. He's a good man."

Alex glances over to Khari, smiling softly. "Yeah, yeah he is."

T'Challa walks through the doors, straightening his jacket and sitting back down on his throne, right where he belongs.

The council members and Okoye sit in their regular chairs, as does Shuri and the queen mother. M'Baku, Alex, Khari and I are left to stand, but I don't think any of us mind.

"Now that we have control of Wakanda again, there are things that have to change. Starting with the Jabari."

At that, M'Baku and Khari walk forward, standing in front of the king. "We have been separated for far too long."

M'Baku nods. "I agree."

"I want that separation to end today. From now on, you will have a seat on this council and your people access to anything Wakanda has to offer."

M'Baku thinks about this for a second. "You will not make us get rid of our traditional ways. We will accept the aid of your technology as needed, but we want to keep our way of life."

T'Challa nods. "The transition will be difficult, since our two people haven't been joined in centuries."

M'Baku, gestures to Khari. "That responsibility I will leave to my general. He is the right man for this."

Khari steps forward, bowing his head to T'Challa. "I propose creating a mode of transportation that will make it easier to travel from the mountains to here; one for supplies and one for people. I also think we should give some of the Jabari warriors the duties of the Border Tribe, considering the loss of numbers during the battle."

T'Challa smiles at Khari. "You and Shuri will work on the transportation. The Border Tribe duties shall be discussed between us and General Okoye. She is taking over for W'Kabi at this time."

M'Baku and Khari nod their heads, moving back towards where they stood before.

"The next move I want to make is to no longer be secluded from the rest of the world. I already talked with Agent Ross and he has agreed to help set up a meeting with the United Nations. I want to make this known to the world: that we are here to help."

None of the council members disagree, despite the fact I know they want to. With a small smile T'Challa shares with his sister, he stands, gesturing for her to follow him, and for me as well.

The council disbands, with some of them leaving right behind us and others staying, like Alex and Khari. Shuri and I try to keep up with T'Challa's pace as we walk through the hall.

"Where are we going?" Shuri asks.

"There's something I wanted to discuss with you, but it's better if you see it for yourself. It's a big responsibility, but I think you're up for the task."

I feel confused. "And what about me?"

T'Challa smiles at me. "I figured you could use a day off. You have been so wonderful to us here, but I feel like you should take one day to be normal."

Shuri and I glance at each other, more confused than ever. "Where are we going?" I ask this time.

We make it out the palace doors, seeing the jet open, waiting for us to enter it. T'Challa turns around to us and stares at us, walking backwards towards the jet as he says: "California."

Shuri gets very excited. She tugs on my arm, pulling me towards the ship faster. I absentmindedly touch the winged necklace around my neck, hearing T'Challa's words echo in my mind: 'take a day to be normal'.

I remember when I first got my powers, when HYDRA first took me. I wanted nothing more than to be normal again. To just have one day to be myself again. So I would do this for myself, to have a day where I'm not a shapeshifter, not an assassin, not The Savage, just Soroya.

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