i swing both ways ☁️

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context : in a card game, clementine talks about gabe and a girl she met in the 3 year time skip; revealing she's bi. knowing that violet and louis take a liking in her she takes a shot and swings for both

rated ☁️ for fluff, and it might be a little short, and no spoilers but marlon lives here

It kind of just happened, in the midst of in depth card games, Louis pulls a question that was indeed questionable to Marlon, Violet, and to the obvious— Clementine.

"Booya!" Louis chuckles, in his ridiculous Louis victory stance, It has been a few weeks since they met, no trouble, nothing, to the both of them, Violet and Louis were just rivals for her love, waiting to see her official preferences on love, is she straight? is she gay? does she not like anyone at all? we need to know!

Louis' smile melts off his face, it was odd to seem him timid "Come on spit it out!" Violet groans, staring at her card, and then to the freckled boy, he sighs "Ever had a.. boyfriend?"

Clementine's golden eyes shoot open, Marlon's lips morph into one grin as he starts chuckling, knowing that Louis had feelings for Clem for a while, and also Violet's feelings.

Violet at first; refused to admit she liked her. Well, she wasn't quite over Minerva, and God knows where in the hell is she? But once she has admit it, the rivalry of love has sparked, and it'll never cease.

"Oh my God," Violet looks away in embarrassment, her arm slamming on the wooden table, creating a thud. Marlon chuckles, looking at Violet. Louis laughs "What? you asked." He folded his arms

Clementine looked timid at first, wanting to spill the tea, spill the beans, whatever the term is now! She sighed, folding her arms and setting the cards on the table "This might sound a little funny," She chuckles, refusing to let the three know how hard it was to say this.

Louis stops laughing, and quickly sits up straight (pfft) His chocolate brown eyes looking at her, waiting for an answer "Go ahead Clem." Marlon looked at Violet and Louis, waiting for tea to spark up. Louis was panicking, Please don't be gay..

Now don't be mistaken! Louis absolutely supports gay people, hell— he was Violet's wing man to Minerva at first. And he himself had a hidden crush on Marlon for just a moment, before washing away because it was sad unrequited love. No one knows, but he absolutely supports whoever as long as they're good people.

Clementine huffed "There was this guy named Gabe, but he was the only one who was actually my age. You never get that" She turns away shyly "I kind of liked him, but we were not a thing." She debated if she wanted to say the next thing.

Louis raises an eyebrow "There is nothing wrong with that" Clementine glares at him slightly "You didn't let me finish." She sighed, resting her arm on the table "And then I met this girl, her name.. I forgot— I met her and I kind of digged her. But until she nearly abandoned AJ and I just decided that she has a shitty interior." He gaze didn't meet anyone, and her voice was near the edge of nervousness.

Violet and Louis looked at each other "I kind of forgot the word, but I like both— to say the least." The air was getting awkward, and she didn't like it "At least that's my experience."

Marlon decided to end the mental suffering of Clementine and decides to clear his throat "Now we know a few things about Clem, One ; she met Javier García, Two ; she almost ate a guy's leg, Three ; she was taught how to shoot a gun, and finally— She's bisexual" Violet smiled, clapping gently "That doesn't make a difference, she's still fucking badass."

The fact that she liked both genders honestly didn't matter, he still liked her for who she was. After all, he might be bisexual, but he honestly doesn't know anymore.

It came around the time where everyone was getting ready to hit the hay, and heading to bed. Clementine tells AJ to go ahead, because Louis and Violet were chatting with her "..So about the card game"

Clementine sighs "Oh" Louis shakes his head "It's not a problem, we're both really open to anyone." Violet gives a reassuring smile

Clementine twiddles with her thumbs, and sighs "If you want me to be honest" Clementine smirks

"I like you both," She winks, making Violet and Louis collapse, their heart pounding loudly, face blushing

i need ideAS WNNNWN

word count : 783

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