The Arc

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<Delta's POV>

"PILOT, WE ARE NEARING THE RUMOURED SITE OF A FOLD WEAPON, I HEAVILY RECOMMEND CAUTION" Nexus said through the interior speakers in his chassis as we made our way through the thick forest, it was sunset, almost night. 

"Ok, I will" I responded, looking around and taking the Predator Cannon off Nex's back. Getting ready for anything.

We continued roaming around, following the direction we were told. It will be a long trail all right.

Every now and again I looked around my surroundings. Just to find nothing watching or following us.


"Yeah...normally around these research bases there are a shit ton of Legions or the new Monarchs" I responded, activating Sonar Pulse.

The orange pulse that was quickly created by Nexus's chassis went over the surroundings, nothing was there.

We walked into a large ravine and suddenly a large amount of bullets hit us from behind. Catching us off-guard. 

I quickly spun around to see a Monarch Titan.

I quickly spun around to see a Monarch Titan

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"Fuck..well, time to kick some ass!" I smirked as I opened fire at the Monarch. It quickly dashed out of the way and fired back, I ran to behind a rock and activated Sonar Pulse, the orange outline of the enemy Titan showing up on Nexus's view.

I took a second to reload, then charged out from the rock and locked onto the Monarch and fired rockets at it, catching it off guard and dealing a good amount of damage to it.

It quickly fired some rockets at us, so I quickly raised Nex's arm and activated the Vortex Shield, catching the rockets mid-air.

I then de-activated the Vortex Shield, the rockets turning and flying towards and Monarch, hitting it directly in the top hatch.

It charged at us and punched Nexus in the hatches, making us drop the Predator Cannon, then it tried to pry them open.

I started to panic as the Monarch forced them open.

Thinking quickly I activated Salvo Core and a huge amount of rockets came out from Nexus's rocket pods and struck the Monarch in the back, causing it to let go of us and Nex's hatches closed.

I took a second to recover, then turned back to the Monarch, it was in it's 'doomed' state, I punched it in the hatches, caving them in, no doubt killing the Pilot inside, and kicked the dead Titan backwards into a rock.

I took a moment to recover, during which Nexus spoke up. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT, PILOT?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Yes...Yes I'm fine" I reassured him. "ARE YOU SURE?" "Yes, I'm sure, what about you?"

"HULL IS AT 59% BATTERY IS AT 79% OTHER THAN THAT I AM FULLY OPERATIONAL" he responded. "Good, how close do you think we are now?" I asked.

Nexus paused for a moment, "WE ARE CLOSE TO THE SITE" he responded. "IT IS AT THE END OF THIS RAVINE" he continued. "Alright, let's keep moving, then" I said as we started walking after picking the Predator Cannon back up.

As we walked through the ravine, there were a few trees and even grass at the bottom, so it's unique.

As we made our way across we came across other hostile Titans, a few Brute-Class, some Scorch-Class Titans, and the like. But we beat them with ease. 

"PILOT, THE SITE IS JUST BEYOND THIS CORNER" Nexus said, I nodded. "Alright, how big will it be?" I asked, "SCANNING... UNKNOWN, THOUGH THE ARC SIGNATURE IS LARGE, RECOMMEND CAUTION" he responded. 

We turned a corner and saw the entrance to a IMC base, so we went in, killed who got in our way, got to the Arc source, it was...too easy, but hey, as much as I love a challenge, it's better to actually have a chance to survive. 

Once we reached the Arc I disembarked Nexus and he grabbed the Arc and placed it inside and his hatches closed. "ARC SECURED, CLIMB ON TOP OF MY CHASSIS"

I quickly used my jump-kit to double jump on top of of Nexus and grabbed onto a handle bar on his chassis.

"Let's move!" I cheered as he started sprinting to the exit of the base. Safe to say there was nothing trying to stop us, strangely.

As we walked out of the exit there were three Legion Titans, aiming at us.

As we walked out of the exit there were three Legion Titans, aiming at us

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"Well...shit" I mumbled, "Alright, Pilot, hand over the Ark, and you walk away free" one of the Pilots said, no doubt lying.


"Ours now!" One of the hostile Pilots snapped, but as they took a step forward a blast came out from inside of Nexus's chassis, catching us both in the blast, knocking me out.

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