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Mei; a poor, mother-less, miserably lonely, young girl. She truly had no one. She was trapped in her own crazy mind; had no one to run to, to talk to and come for help to. Loosing herself in the virtual reality or MMORPGs, she could finally be herself and make online friends; friends who wouldn’t judge her for her problems. Mei was free, she had the best life ever… that is, until SAO became a problem. Forced to fight for her life and others in the game, she tries to make her way to the hundredth floor to save the millions of lives stuck in this game… alone.

But then Kirito comes along; a strong, friendly, witty, egotistic swordsman that incredibly becomes Mei’s friend… and soon to be more. Together they will battle incredible fights, make amazing memories, cry through the tears and laugh through the good times, but most importantly, be there for each other. Together, they fight. Together, they’re strong. Forever. 

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