Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to my friends that think I'm insane.

I awoke the next morning to a warm breath on the back of my neck. I panicked for a second before I recalled last night. Nathan was kind enough to stay with me because I was a big baby. I slowly rolled over in place to see he was still sleeping. I didn’t blame him; I mean we were up until about three last night.

I got up carefully so I wouldn’t get wake him. Thankfully, all he did was shuffle around a bit. ‘God, what a teenager!’ I thought as I sat at the foot of the bed.

“Oi!” I heard from behind me.

“Sorry!” I said as I got up and scampered down the stairs. “But it’s somewhat true!” I yelled up knowing he could hear me because one side of the room was open to the downstairs area.

I skipped into the kitchen and put the kettle on the stove. Turning the burner on high, I walked over to the fridge and took out some bacon before putting it on to cook. As it sizzled in the grill pan, I went back into the fridge and pulled out a plate that had these little puffs on it. I knew exactly what they were because my grandmother and I had made them together for the first time when I was fourteen. They consisted of small chunks of bread, bacon pieces, spinach, cheese and egg that was baked into little muffin looking things. They were absolutely delicious and I couldn’t wait to eat them.

I pulled them out and put them in the microwave to heat them up. I got a glass of water before I took the bacon off and put it on a plate. I set it on the island and turned back around to get the puffs out.

When I went to set them down, the plate of bacon was gone. I walked into the living room, with plate still in hand, and found where the bacon went. Nathan was sat there on the sofa with the telly on and a fistful of bacon. Might I add that he was wearing nothing but his grey trackies. I could get used to this boy.

I sat next to him and just raised my eyebrows as I set the other plate on the coffee table in front of us. I looked to see what was on T.V. and saw a United - City game on. I just smiled and kind of laughed to myself.

“What?” Nathan asked from next to me.

“You. You look like such a guy sitting here topless eating bacon and watching a soccer game. Not to mention that you’re in a girl’s house and you’ve only known her for a day.” I said as I kept giggling.

“Alright, two things…”

“Let me guess 1) its football not soccer and 2) I asked you to stay here last night?” I questioned with a smile.

“Damn, you’re good. But I know you’re enjoying this.” he responded while gesturing to himself. I just rolled my eyes and went back to watching the game.

During the commercial, I hopped over the back of the sofa, went upstairs and came back down with the biggest bottle of liquor I could find along with two shot glasses. Nathan just stared at me like I was insane, which I was but only a bit. I set the glasses down along with the bottle.

“I’ll give you a little challenge.”

“Okay.” he said as he stood up.

“When the game’s done we turn on the radio, first one to guess what song is playing gets to pour the other a shot of that. We keep going until one admits they‘re a lightweight.” I said smugly as I pointed to the large bottle. I knew I could win because I had crushed any opponent that challenged me. Of course, back home we never used alcohol because that would be illegal.

“Deal.” Nathan answered with a smirk on his face. I could tell that he thought that he would win. However, I knew something that he didn’t…

I Thought This Was An Apartment, Not A Love Story (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now